Genes Cause Pain

Genes Cause Pain

Two people with the same pains have different pain levels. For example both back pain but one can still indulge while others could only lay there. This apparently caused by different genes.

Scientists have struggled to explain why some people are more sensitive and less able to withstand pain. A gene known as SCN9A responsible for this. These findings could be expected in future gene therapy as an alternative in patients who experience severe chronic pain.

"By finding the gene that is responsible for the pain, it can increase the ability to conquer and control it," said Dr. Geoffrey Woods of the Cambridge University, as quoted from the Telegraph, Tuesday (03/09/2010). Dr Woods added this for biomedical researchers and doctors are looking for analgesics (pain relievers) is effective with an acceptable side effects. Therefore required a significant development of therapies and even better.

Many people in the world suffer from chronic pain resulting from injury or arthritis that affects their lives and some even cause depression.

Scientists find a gene in a study involving 578 people who suffer from osteoarthritis, pain rheumatic pain, sore pungung and other pain problems.

Discovered a protein made by this version of the gene mutations known as SCN9A open longer than usual. This could increase the activation of the nerve resulting in pain or pain sensation.

"The pain serves as an adaptive mechanism that protects us from damage to tissues and as a warning to the possibility of injury," said Dr Woods.

 With the discovery of genes of this pain, so the researchers can modify the function of SCN9A that could potentially treat conditions such as osteoarthitris. The results of this study have been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


8 Diseases Descendants

8 Diseases Descendants

There are some diseases that derivative is automatically lowered to the child or the next generation, namely:

1. Haemophilia
Haemophilia is one instance of disease due to deficiency of blood clotting factor 8 or 9. Commands have blood clots in the X chromosome, so hemophilia patients are mostly men. Because the majority of women as carriers only. The disease is difficult to prevent because every child has one sex chromosome from the mother and one sex chromosome from the father, hence the disease is always starting from the children. 
2. Color-blind
Color blindness is one of vision problems because of the inability to see the differences between some colors, the disease is inherited from the X chromosome genetic mutation Most of these diseases due to genetic factors, but there's also caused damage to the eyes, nerves or brain due to certain chemicals. Mutation that causes color blindness if there are at least 19 different chromosomes and 56 different genes. This condition can occur when a child or an adult.

3. Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus have a strong relationship with the offspring. The disease is characterized by high blood sugar levels caused by insulin in the body that can not work optimally. Someone who has leukocyte antigens (human leukocyte antigen / HLA) in blood obtained from the parents will have a strong tendency to develop type 1 diabetes.

While type 2 diabetes is also a derivative of the disease which will appear in the next generation if there are other problems that accompany obesity, hypertension or an unhealthy lifestyle that interfere with the function of beta cells in his body.

4. Thalassemia
Thalassemia is a blood disorder due to hemoglobin in the blood very easily broken. This disease is genetically inherited when both parents are carriers properties (carrier). As a result of this blood disorder makes children look pale and must get regular blood transfusions for hemoglobin remained normal. Based on Mendel's laws if his mother as a carrier, then any chance of 25 percent of healthy children, 50 percent as the carrier, and 25 percent of infected thalassemia.

5. Baldness
As it is known that baldness is caused by many things, but one of them could also result from the genetic parents. If his father had suffered hair loss, then at least one of her children are experiencing hair loss caused by inherited genes.

Dr. Angela Christiano, professor of dermatology and genetics at Columbia University Medical Center discovered a gene that causes hair thinning and may even feel the effect when still a child. Unknown gene that causes hair follicles APCDD1 shrinking so that more and more hair thinning and balding.

6. Allergy
Most of the allergy is caused by heredity. If a parent has allergies talent, then there is a chance of about 70 percent of children will have allergies as well. But if only one person who is allergic, then this risk factor could be decreased by about 30 percent.

7. Albino
Albino is one disease that caused the child's derivatives containing an albino gene from the father and mother. Most people with an albino is born of parents who have the disorder in terms of production melaninnya, but in people carriers will not show signs of having an albino gene. If parents only as a carrier or have one albino gene, should not marry someone who has an albino.

8. Asthma
Asthma is one disease and it is known that the derivative of a stronger maternal factors to reduce asthma in children compared with the father factor. Asthma can occur when triggered by the presence of a nearby allergens. In addition about 30 percent of asthma is caused by the descendants of his parents. But in some people with asthma well controlled, can be lost when approaching adulthood.

 One way to prevent these diseases dropped to the next generation is to do a complete examination before marriage. Because of this examination will be known whether they have inherited the disease gene to their children later or not so they can be better prepared to face it.  



Appendicitis (Appendicitis)

Before further discussion about appendicitis which in medical language is called Appendicitis, then it first must be understood what is meant by the appendix. Appendix, as the name suggests that this is really the tip intestinal tract is clogged. This gut of approximately pinkie finger, is connected to the large intestine that is located in the lower right abdomen.

Appendectomy in Latin referred to as Appendix vermiformis, this organ is found in humans, mammals, birds, and several species of reptiles. This organ was originally considered as an additional organ that has no function, but when it is known that the function of the appendix is an organ imunologic and actively play a role in the secretion of immunoglobulin (an immune system) which has / contains lymphoid glands.

Like the organs of the body another, appendix or the appendix of this disorder can suffer damage or disease attack. It is that often we know the name of appendicitis Disease (Appendicitis).

Disease Causes of appendicitis (Appendicitis)

Appendicitis disease is generally caused by bacterial infection, but there are several possible factors originators who until now could not clearly known. Among the factors blockage (obstruction) in the lining of the channel (lumen) appendix by feces pile / hard fecal material (fekalit), hyperplasia (enlargement) lymphoid tissue, worm diseases, parasites, foreign bodies in the body, the primary cancer and stricture.

Among the factors above, the most frequently found and is strongly suspected as a factor penyabab blockage by stool / feces and lymphoid tissue hyperplasia. Obstruction or enlargement is at the media for bacteria to breed. Please note that in the feces / human fecal material is likely to have been contaminated by the bacterium / bacteria Escherichia coli, is that often lead to infection resulting in inflammation of the appendix.

Eating chilies with cashew seeds or seeds with guajava s epiderm often not digested in the feces and slipped kesaluran appendices as salty things, Nor hardening stool / feces (constipation) in a very long time there may be parts tucked into kesaluran appendices which eventually became the media germs / bacteria nest and breed as the infection that causes inflammation of the appendix.

Someone who experienced worm disease (intestinal worms), if the worm that breeds in the large intestine and then strayed into the appendix, it can cause disease of appendicitis.

The disease picture of appendicitis (Appendicitis)

Inflammation or pembengkakaan that occurred in the appendix causing lymph fluid and blood flow is not perfect in the appendix (appendices) as a result of pressure, finally the appendix and damage occurred decay (gangrene) because it did not get food again.

This appendix decomposition produces purulent fluid, if not immediately dealt with the consequences appendix will rupture (perforation / tear) and pus, which contains the bacteria spread to the abdominal cavity. Impact is a widespread infection, ie infection of the abdomen wall (peritonitis).

Signs and symptoms of appendicitis disease

Symptoms vary depending on the stage appendix;
Acute appendicitis disease (sudden).
In this condition, which caused symptoms of high body heat, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain right bottom, make the walk so sick, so rather terbongkok, but not everyone will show symptoms such as these, can also only be feverish, or nausea-vomiting only.

Chronic appendicitis disease.
At this stage the symptoms of heartburn a little like where there is a faint pain (dull) in the area around the navel and sometimes fever that come and go. Often accompanied by nausea and sometimes vomiting, and pain it will move to the right lower abdomen with signs typical of acute appendicitis is pain point PD Mc Burney (medical term).
The spread of pain will depend on the direction of the position / location of the appendix to the colon itself, When the tip touches the appendix ureter ureter, the pain will be the same with colicky pain sensation of the urinary tract, and there might be trouble urinating. If the appendix to the rear position, the pain came on rectal examination or puncture the vaginal puncture. In the appendix another position, the pain may not be so specific.

Inspection diagnosis of appendicitis disease

There are several checks that can be done by the health team to determine and diagnose the disease of appendicitis (Appendicitis) by the patient. Among them are physical examination, laboratory and radiological examinations;
Physical examination.
In acute appendicitis, with observations would seem there is swelling (swelling) of the abdominal cavity where the walls seem to tighten the abdomen (distention). On touching (palpation) the lower right abdominal area, often feels pain when pressed and released when the pressure will also be a pain (Blumberg sign) which is the key to the diagnosis of acute appendicitis.

With the action right leg bent and strong thighs / leg in lifting it high, then the abdominal pain was getting worse. Suspicion of appendicitis inflammation increases when the inspection or the rectum and the vagina leading to pain, too. Rectal temperature (rectal) temperature is higher than the armpit (axilla), further supporting the longer presence of appendicitis.

Laboratory examination.
On laboratory examination of blood, which can be found is an increase of white blood cells (leukocytes) to around 10 000 - 18.000/mm3. If the increase is more than that, then chances are the appendix had perforated (burst).

Radiological examination.
Plain photo abdomen may reveal a fekalit. But this examination is rarely helpful in the diagnosis of appendicitis. Ultrasonography (USG) was quite helpful in the diagnosis of appendicitis (71-97%), especially for pregnant women and children. The highest level of accuracy is by CT scan (93-98%). With the CT scan can clearly picture the appendix.

Handling and Nursing appendicitis

 When the diagnosis is certain, then the standard treatment for the disease of appendicitis (appendicitis) is operating. Early on when this condition can be immediately diagnosed the possibility of giving antibiotics can only be done, however kekambuhannya level reaches 35%. 


7 Things to Avoid After At Age 30 Years

7 Things to Avoid After At Age 30 Years

Previously, we never discuss those things that women need to do before the age of 30 years. But, you know, there are some habits that need to stop single women after the age of three-foot head.

1. Forgetting birthdays pasanganSudah time for your parents and stay close to family and those closest to you.
2. Regard all men brengsekHati caution, if you continue to feel this way, it could be no men fit to be your life companion. 3. Can not forget a former lover If still flashing before his ex-lover, this can actually hinder your new found love. If the former is no longer showing signs to get back together, better close the 'sheet of love' you with him. And, begin to open your heart to another man.
4. Revenge on everyone who hurt you the time AndaSudah heartened to face various problems. Even if there is someone who makes your offense better not extended. There are still many more important issues that need to finish.
5. Do not wait check rutinJangan ill health, you just check the health condition. After the age of three heads, the body vulnerable to disease. Therefore, lead health tests, especially the reproductive organs checks, regularly go to the doctor before the disease strikes.

6. Jump to bed without cleaning wajahSeiring increasing age, the skin should be treated properly. Change the habit of not washing her face, do not apply moisturizer to the face. how this could delay the arrival of wrinkles on your face.

7. Only live from gajiDi 30s, you should no longer depend on the payroll office. Start looking for additional income, such as from business. That way, you never need to work too hard to save for retirement.


10 How to tighten Breasts

10 How to tighten Breasts

Breasts are no longer as firm as when I was a girl, it naturally happened. Moreover, your age is creeping up, so that the breast begins to slightly down. What happens is, connective tissue that holds joints began to loosen the breast, so that your breasts a little down. Also the skin is no longer rigid, so the milk glands shrink and fat replaces the gland. Form and any delay to the system change.

But you need not worry. For business women, there are ways to prevent or fix it. The following 10 Tips How to tighten Breasts

1. The first thing you can do to prevent breast shape change is to adjust the sleeping position. Do not get used to sleeping on his stomach, because the body will suppress the breast for hours on the mattress. Better to sleep on your back or side. 2. Apply regularly moisturizing conditioner, such as Shea butter or vitamin E oil, to maintain the resilience or elasticity of breast skin. This cream will seep into the skin perfectly, helping to maintain the appearance of the breast that remains young. Despite your sensitive skin, you can still use it.

3. Want to try other herbs? Mix one teaspoon of vitamin E oil (vitamin E capsules broken to get it) with a tablespoon of yogurt and an egg. Use this mixture to massage the breast with circular movements, then wear a bra for about 20 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water.

4. Milled one large cucumber into a food blender, cream cakes are high in fat, and egg whites (1 point). Rub this mixture into the breast, and let stand for 15 minutes. Use of natural products should not give side effects, but should not rub it if the skin is injured. Rinse with warm water.

5. Take two ice cube trays, then put on the breast with rotating movements semicircle. Make at least one minute. Do not make this technique more than a minute, or if the ice is making you feel uncomfortable. Ice would act as a network-forming under the skin.

6. The best exercises to tighten the chest muscles are push-ups. Spread the yoga mat or a mat, then do 10 push ups in the fourth set, at least 3-4 times a week. See how the amendments.

7. Bend both hands in front of the breast, palms clasped together as if praying. Then, press-press your palms together. Feel how the chest muscles will be stretched when the two hands pressed together. This movement does not need a special room, you can do it while sitting on the bus heading to the office.

8. Take two dumbbell weighing 1 or 2 kg. Lie on the floor, each hand holding a dumbbell. Stretch both arms within a range of shoulder-length with your palms facing upwards. Lift both arms up, elbows slightly bent, so that the weight of fulfilling your chest. Then, lower both arms to the side again shoulder. Repeat this exercise 8-12 times, then rest a minute. Do it for four sets.

9. Another exercise is also good for tightening the breast is swimming. If you have long since left this hobby you busy in the office and take care of the kids, go, go immediately to the pool when nyebur take the children.

10. Use the right bra, according to shape of your breast. Sometimes we're wrong choosing a bra models, so the bras do not raise breast, and instead let it hang. Sports bra you can also use if your bust size is at middle.




Olive (Olea europaea) is an annual small trees and evergreen, the young fruit can be eaten raw or preserved as a refresher after. Old fruit and its oil extracted to be pressed olive oil that can be used for various purposes. Oleaceae Olive is a member of the tribe. In addition to flavor enhancer known as food, these oils also have a variety of benefits, both for health and beauty. Properties, among others:
This oil can be used for hair. One of them is to dry hair as a result of air pollution, sun exposure, too much was in the air-conditioned room or even overuse of chemical based products. Use hair and scalp treatment containing olive oil believed to be the right solution and healthy. Section, the nutrients contained in them can repair damaged hair cuticles while providing the extra moisture in the hair. So the hair becomes more healthy, soft, shiny and not easily branched. Pure olive oil (Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Olive Oil Un-refined) may also be used directly on the scalp prior to treatment creambath. Even olive oil mixed with castor oil, lemon juice and water solution from steeping leaves of peppermint believed to be a natural recipe for preventing dandruff and itchy scalp.
Especially for facial treatments, beauty products containing olive oil are believed to help retain moisture and elasticity of the skin as well as expedite the process of regeneration of the skin, so skin is not easy to dry and wrinkled. For the face, olive oil can be blended with a mask or directly diulaskan on facial skin.
For the body of olive oil can be used as a carrier oil for essential oil blend as a massage oil. Olive oil can also be used as a mixture of body lotion or bath soap to maintain moisture and skin softness.
Olive oil is also efficacious to maintain its shape and firmness of breast.
While for the hands and feet, olive oil can also be used to reduce the thickening of skin on the soles of the feet, keeping skin smoothness, and strengthen nails.
Maintain cardiovascular health, thereby reducing the risk of coronary heart disease. Which was due to the mono-unsaturated fat, mainly oleic acid. But there are also studies showing efficacy of oil to heart health is caused by compounds containing phenol groups, rather than fatty acids. The content of phenolic compounds function as antioxidants, which can maintain the elasticity of artery walls.
As a mild laxative to ease the process of defecation.


Sex Helps Prevent Cancer

Sex Helps Prevent Cancer

Many people keep asking if sex can be very helpful to prevent prostate cancer. This article is looking into and examining how and why sex can help in the prevention of prostate cancer or not. But of course - before you take the advice of this article, make sure you consult with your doctor. The doctor believes the end of the advice because they are experts and they should know more about you to provide the right health advice.

There is true that sex can help in the prevention of this condition. It's very simple, if you look at it closely. The fact that the prostate should be in good health to prevent prostate cancer. With enlargement and the unhealthiness of the prostate that typically contribute to this disease. Needless to say, that keep the prostate healthy and clean as possible will help prevent prostate cancer and even species. If you want to know what could have sex with maintaining a healthy prostate and clean - keep reading. You see, the more you have sex, you kind of "cleanse" your prostate. With sex and ejaculating, you will "clean out" your prostate and it can help, a little, in preventing this disease.

Although all health and prostate cancer expert who was not accepted sex can actually help prevent prostate cancer, but many of them argued that it could. But whether he can prevent prostate cancer, he really does not hurt you to do a healthy sex as often as possible. Please note that I said - sex healthy - and it is sex with one partner or safe sex.


Prevent Diabetes With Tea And Coffee Consumption By Organized

Prevent Diabetes With Tea And Coffee Consumption By Organized

For those of you that Coffee and Tea enthusiasts can breathe relieved, because it has a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, ie diabetes, which is not dependent on insulin and diabetes, which is more general. Archives of Internal Medicine, bi-monthly medical journal published by the American Medical Association as quoted by the BBC, said that, the properties of coffee and tea instead of caffeine derived from coffee that protects the body, this is evidenced by the coffee that does not contain caffeine have the best effect to ward off diabetes. Of the 500 thousand people at the conclusion of 18 the results showed that, with 3-4 cups of tea or coffee per day can reduce the risk of diabetes up to 20% or lebih.Tetapi if they drink non-caffeine coffee, then the effect will be even better, which could more than 30%. The researchers believe, with tea and coffee, which contains the active substance will open a new way to counter diabetes mellitus.
Dr.Rachel Huxley, Principal Scientist from the University of Sydney, Australia stated that non-caffeine coffee has better benefits and not from the caffeine that can prevent diabetes, but other components such as magnesium and antioxidants, which are known as klorogenik material capable of slowing the release of glucose into blood flow is suspected as the active component to keep someone from diabetes.
But an expert from the British diabestes, Dr Victoria King, have the opinion that the results should be viewed with caution, the reason, although people who drink tea and coffee lower relative risk of diabetes. People must see also physical activity and diet that made that person. That means diabetes mellitus have a very close relationship with all one's life style patterns, such as eating a healthy diet, high in fiber, avoid saturated fat and sweet foods and excessive exercise. Such a healthy lifestyle is a major step to prevent themselves from diabetes militus.


Keeping Equipment Healthy Body Healthy Living With a Pattern

Keeping Equipment Healthy Body Healthy Living With a Pattern

In everyday life we should always prioritize the health of our body and soul because it was delicious and also healthy there is a saying that someone will not appreciate his own health when he was still healthy. Once the importance of health so that there are people who are willing to pay billions of rupiah for their own health when he was sick.

The following tips are examples of activities that we can live in our everyday world. Activities or those activities into the implementation of healthy lifestyles, namely:

1. Evade / Stop The Fool The Disgusting Habits

Activities stupid for some people presumed / considered as activities that are cool, macho and slang is like smoking, drinking, using drugs / narcotics / other additive substances that cause addiction. Just imagine if you have been hit by one of the foolish activities above, so a person can spend a lot of money to buy opium, to the cost of future medical treatment, waste time trying to buy and consume these illicit goods.

Using these disgusting things certainly add to our sins doubled because of the impact / effect is not just us who feel alone, but also others such as parents, friends, family, boyfriends, and others.

2. Do not Make Free Sex Relationships Outside Marriage

Sex is good for some people. But it would be honorable and terpujinya if sex is done in a responsible manner and with the blessing of many people. Most sex is underrated for the couple who used to do it or for people who easily aroused without a strong faith.

Impact resulting from pre-marital sex free sex is such as:
a. pregnant outside of marriage and the man running away from responsibility.
b. exposed to infectious diseases like AIDS that there is no cure.
c. major sins to God
d. ostracized from society and society
e. raided by police / Satpol PP / Civil Defence
f. own girlfriend murdered, raped, etc..
g. addicted to orgasms and grow into a dangerous phase.
h. beginning of the foolish activities of a number above.
i. mate when the going gets difficult marriage seriously.
j. lying to parents, families, relatives, friends, etc..
k. and many more due to the bad.

The purpose of sex to get the climax / orgasm many deified by many people who are lost and they will find another victim to be taken and dragged into the black valley. If berhbungan with the opposite sex or same-sex without marriage should not see it if ngesex delicious sides, but look at the negative side very much. You will be disgusted to do it.

3. Eat Healthy Food And Match Rules

Good food is not necessarily healthy. Many foods and beverages that dangerous and unhealthy if consumed. Examples include the use of borax and formaldehyde as a preservative for foods and beverages that should digonakan to preserve the corpse / corpse / carcass.

When snacks do not be careless. Buy food and beverages where it can be assured of cleanliness / hygiene of food drink. Be careful and always alert terhada whatever we put in our mouths because it could have a drink or food we buy and ready to eat has been mixed with hazardous toxic substances like arsenic, sleeping pills, seangga poison, rat poison, pengewet not for the food and beverage, and others. See also cleanliness of the venue and the selection of raw materials processing and food / beverage.

Do not be easily tempted by ads on TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, sales, and so forth. Sometimes the producers lied to get too big profits and cooperate with government personnel in order to keep your mouth shut.

Eat nutritious foods and beverages that are adjusted for body condition, activity and age. Eat before the hungry and stop eating before satiety is a good habit. Never forget with four perfectly healthy five that we often hear from old times. Eating a balanced nutritional intake because of what we eat will continue to represent ourselves in the future.

4. Keeping Yourself And Environmental Hygiene Environmental

Cleanliness self care and well guarded as it related / closely related to how we look at the general public. neatness and cleanliness of the body such as hair, nails, face, eyes, ears, skin, mouth, teeth, hands, feet, etc. can give effect to the overall body health. Avoid exchanging toiletries, primp, health, personal clothing with other people because it may be able to transmit dangerous diseases.

Just imagine if someone can cause acute dental pain he did not come to work for days because of intolerable pain. People who have a slovenly appearance and style that would be shunned from the daily interactions and will be difficult to make friends, boyfriend, partner, employment, trust and others.

Keep the environment clean of waste and environmental disease because the environment can affect the health of our bodies. Piled and rotting garbage can remove this smell / tasty, the view that slum / dirty, the sound of flies that were flying, the sound of curses people who were around him, and so forth.

Garbage can also be a rat's nest spreaders that spread diseases such as leptospirosis penyekit through rat urine and tipes / typhoid. Mosquitoes can also spread the seeds that can berkibat melaria plasmodium and dengue fever in man. flies which spread bacteria and viruses that cause gastrointestinal diseases such as beri-beri, dysentery, diarrhea, and so forth.

Pollution such as rubbish and toilet waste household, industrial waste, noise pollution, and other pollutants need to be solved with a swift and well coordinated between the members of the community in an environment that produces results lingungan good clean and comfortable

5. Exercise And Health Into Your doctor checked Periodic

Regular exercise can stimulate the heart, respiratory and blood circulation becomes better. Make a habit of exercising every day with a light activity such as walking, gymnastics, fitness, jogging, biking, or doing sports management like to play badminton, soccer, marathon running, tennis, basketball, and others.

In addition there is another sport that is not less important to the sport of periodic health check regularly to the doctor. Order a medical examination is programmed so that disease or disorder that may arise can be detected more quickly so that treatment would not be costly, time and energy.

6. Avoid Stress: What It sucks in a healthy way and Halal

To avoid the stress required strategies for each individual. Find the best way to relieve stress with your own easy way, it can be done everywhere, cheap, healthy, kosher, and delicious made. Examples of activities such as the removal of stress is by listening to personal music and ngilangin good to hear that there are loads of mind, playing video games, music playing music, sport, chat ama temen pal friend, vent, non-gambling card maen, healthy dating, eating, doing conjugal relationship / sex with a legitimate partner, hanging out in the lavatories, a trip to the mall, singing, playing a small children's toys, gardening, fishing, shouted in a quiet place, to bed / sleep, and so forth.

The point in your life is nyantai aja with all the problems that exist. Why should hard (stress), it was hard to no avail. Do not let your emotions become your evil and self-control, because the emotion becomes uncontrollable and sometimes resentment, hurt, etc. that look foolish to others. There are issues / problems that can make your depression is unaffected aja, kayak others are just not there job.

Enough sleep, bonding with Almighty God according to religion and beliefs of each origin is not evil, and implement a healthy lifestyle can prevent stress and depression that if the already severe and chronic mental disorders and could be a mental illness that makes your taste depressed and ashamed of the people. Consult with a psychologist if you have mental problems or other people who you trust if you are embarrassed. Open your heart to accept criticism, feedback and suggestions from others and change your lifestyle if necessary for the health of the soul / mind you.


Tips Eliminate Cigarette Addiction

Tips Eliminate Cigarette Addiction

Quitting smoking is difficult, especially if you've hooked. Even so, it does not mean you can not leave this bad habit.

Try the following tips, which is actually the experience of an ex-smoker. Kick this one stop smoking, do it gradually. From day kehari, it reduced the number of cigarettes smoked, until finally she had parted from the trunks of cigarettes.

However, such a stance to stop smoking that is applied many others, a strong determination remains a major capital. Like what stage she is doing, consider the following:

* Prepare the inner, round it off determination to quit smoking.
* Avoid / stop drinking coffee. Replace with sweet tea or candy.
* Try and drink a few glasses of water each time up in the morning.
* Next, make a schedule:

* Date 1-7: avoid smoking before 10:00 am. Allowed to smoke every day but it should be remembered only allowed after 10:00 o'clock.
* Date 8-14: Do not smoke before 12:00 o'clock noon (lunch).
* On 15-21: Do not smoke before 15:00 o'clock in the afternoon.
* On 22-28: Do not smoke before 17:00 o'clock in the afternoon.
* Date of 29-3: do not smoke before 20:00 pm (dinner).
* Try smoking at 10:00 am on 22. You will feel the bitterness of cigarette smoke and the smell that will make you hate cigarettes.

When the temptation to smoke is still annoying, try to divert attention by following mild exercise, jogging, and so forth. The most important habit of drinking water.

Do not be satisfied, if you have completed this program. Therefore, there are still threats that await you. Yag greatest threat comes from your friends who happens to smokers and usually will offer a cigarette.

However, if you made it through the transition period - at least a week - the opportunity for you to really get out of the trap of tobacco, very big.




Job problems, family or personal problems that accumulate unnoticed can cause long effects on the body and soul. The situation is what is often called stress.
Weeks to prevent the things that are not desirable, it helps us to avoid stress in the following ways:

Positive energy
Remove ponditif energy within us to always think optimistically in the face of every problem. Realize that in every problem there must be a way out. Better not be too hard on myself for every plan we have made may not necessarily be achieved. Be more flexible sehinggan we can better enjoy the beauty of life. Maintain health
In a healthy body there is a strong soul, keep our body health with regular exercise, adequate sleep, and consumption of nutritious foods, can stimulate the body's Sports endorphine release, is the substance that makes the body feel good, so that people exercise yan terautu usually supported also a healthy diet and good rest.

Control your emotions
The easiest way to control your emotions is to drink a lot of white water when the emotions started to peak. White water can calm the emotions and helps us to think more clearly. Emotions can lead to excessive stress. Be more patient and think more widely in order to understand any issues with clarity.

Short break
Spend a little time to rest. Use a good holiday, especially to pamper yourself and get out of their daily routine. Gathered with family or friends is one way to cultivate positive energy and a new spirit.

Do not buried our problems alone. As the proverb which says, that what friends are for. By sharing stories to people we trust, then the burden we will feel lighter and do not settle in the mind. Increase sense of humor, clinical secar, humor can also be used to overcome stress, and humor also needs to be done so that not too tense nerves and body can relax.


10 Habits That Can Damage Brain

10 Habits That Can Damage Brain

Having studied in a laboratory in the world renowned found very surprising facts ..!!! That turned out to have a custom which often even every day performed by humans that can damage our brains.

There are 10 habits that we always do every day that can damage our brains. Please refer to the 10 habits listed below:

1. No breakfast
They are accustomed to not eating breakfast have a lower blood sugar levels. As a result the supply of nutrients to the brain becomes less. The brain also needs "to eat" in order to work optimally. 2. Overeat
Too much to eat, let alone a high-fat, can result in hardening of blood vessels in the brain due to accumulation of fat in the blood vessel wall. Consequently the ability of the brain would decrease.

3. Smoke
Toxic chemicals in cigarettes are inhaled, such as carbon monoxide, will impede the ability of blood to carry oxygen throughout the body including the brain, causing rapid shrinkage of the brain. Nicotine can also reduce levels of good cholesterol (HDL) cholesterol and increase bad cholesterol (LDL) in blood. Consequently, disrupted transport fat to clog blood vessels and block the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the brain. Smoking also can lead to Alzheimer's disease.

4. Consuming too much sugar
Consumption of too much sugar can also cause disturbance in the absorption of protein and nutrients. As a result, there was a nutritional imbalance that will interfere with brain development.

5. Air pollution does not wear a mask
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air that reduce oxygen supply to the brain so it can reduce the efficiency or working power of the brain.

6. Sleep Deprivation
The brain needs sleep as a time to rest and recover her abilities. Lack of sleep in the long term will accelerate the damage to brain cells.

7. Closed head while sleeping
Habit of sleeping with the head cover can increase the concentration of carbon dioxide and thus reducing the process of inhaling oxygen that can cause brain damage effects.

8. Less stimulating thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain. Lack of stimulation of the brain can reduce the ability of brain nerve cells, causing brain mengkerutnya.

9. Rarely communicates
Communication is needed as one means of spur work ability of the brain. Communicate intellectual work could trigger optimal brain function. Rare intellectual ability to communicate will cause the brain to be poorly trained.

10. Thinking aloud as sick
Working too hard or push for the use of mind when the condition can cause fatigue excessive pain in the brain and reduce the effectiveness of the work so that it can damage the brain.



Cholera (Cholera)

Cholera (cholera) is a disease of acute intestinal tract infection caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, the bacteria enter the body through contaminated food or beverages. The bacteria release enterotoxin (poison) in the intestinal tract so that there was diarrhea (diarrhea) accompanied by an acute and severe vomiting, as a result a person in just a few days lost a lot of body fluids and signed on the condition of dehydration.

If dehydration is not treated immediately, it will continue towards hypovolaemic and metabolic acidosis in a relatively short time and can cause death if treatment is not adequate. Normal drinking water supply will not be much help, Patient (patient) require intravenous fluids cholera sugar (Dextrose) and salt (normal saline) or in the form of intravenous fluid mix of both (Dextrose Saline).Symptoms and Signs Cholera Disease

In people who feacesnya cholera bacteria was found during the 1-2 weeks might not feel the complaint means, but when the attack is a sudden infectious diarrhea and vomiting occur with quite a serious condition as acute attacks that cause diarrheal type samarnya experienced.

However, in patients with cholera there are some things that is displayed signs and symptoms, among others are:
- Diarrhoea is watery and abundant without a preceded by a feeling of heartburn or tenesmus.
- Feaces or dirt which was originally in color and smelled of turned into a cloudy white liquid with no odor or fishy, but like a sweet smell.
- Feaces resembling rice water is when deposited will issue a white clumps.
- Diarrhea occurred many times and in sufficient quantity lots.
- The occurrence of vomiting after preceded by diarrhea that occurs, the patient does not feel sick before.
- Seizures may also be felt by the abdominal muscles accompanied by severe pain.
- Number of fluid that comes out will cause dehydration with signs such as rapid heartbeat, dry mouth, physically weak, sunken eyes, hypotension, etc. which if not immediately obtain a replacement handler lost body fluids can lead to death.

# Handling and Treatment of Cholera Disease

Patients who experience disease cholera should immediately mandapatkan handling immediately, by providing replacement of body fluids lost as a first step. Giving fluids by infusion / Drip is the most appropriate for people with a lot of fluids lost through diarrhea or vomiting. Next is the treatment of infections, with antibiotic / antimicrobial such as Tetracycline, doxycycline or group Vibramicyn. This antibiotic treatment within 48 hours to stop the diarrhea that occurred.

In certain conditions, especially in the region afflicted by cholera outbreaks of food / liquid is done by way of the nasal insert tube into the stomach. As many as 50% of cases of cholera which tergolang weight can not be resolved, while the number of 1% of cholera patients who received less adequate treatment died. (Massachusetts Medical Society, 2007: Getting Serious about Cholera).

# Prevention of cholera disease

Cutting mode of transmission and prevention of cholera is to the principle of environmental sanitation, especially clean water and sewage in place that meets environmental standards. Another is to drink water that has been cooked first, wash your hands thoroughly before eating soap / antiseptic, washing vegetables, water view, especially vegetables that are eaten raw, avoid eating fish and shellfish are cooked.

When the family members are affected by cholera, should be isolated and immediately get treatment. Objects contaminated with vomitus or feces should be in the sterilization of patients, other transmitting flies searangga eradicated immediately. Cholera vaccination can protect people in direct contact with patients.


Disease Leukemia (Blood Cancer)

Disease Leukemia (Blood Cancer)

Leukemia (blood cancer) is a type of cancer that attacks white blood cells produced by bone marrow (bone marrow). Bone marrow or bone marrow in the human body produces three types of blood cells including white blood cell (functioning as an endurance fight infection), red blood cell (function to bring oxygen into the body) and platelets (small part of blood cells that help blood clotting process ).

Leukemia is generally appear in a person since the days his small, bone marrow without clear cause has been producing white blood cells do not develop normal or abnormal. Normally, white blood cells to repeated reproduction when the body needs it or no room for the blood cell itself. The human body will give signs / signals on a regular basis when will the blood cell-reproduction is expected to be back. In cases of leukemia (blood cancer), white blood cells do not respond to the sign / signal is given. Finally, uncontrolled excessive production (abnormal) will exit from the bone marrow and can be found in the peripheral blood or peripheral blood. The number of abnormal white blood cells of this excessive amount can disrupt the normal function of other cells, Someone with this condition (leukemia) will show some symptoms such as susceptible to infectious diseases, anemia and bleeding.

# Acute Leukemia and Chronic Disease

Acute leukemia is marked by a very rapid course of the disease, deadly, and worse. If this is not treated immediately, it can cause death within weeks to days. While chronic leukemia have a disease that does not travel so quickly that it has a longer life expectancy, up to more than one year.

# Leukemia is classified according to cell type

When the audit reveals that affects lymphocyte leukemia or lymphoid cells, it is called lymphocytic leukemia. While the leukemia that affects cells such as neutrophils mieloid, basofil, and eosinophils, called chronic myelogenous leukemia.

From this classification, the Leukemia is divided into four types of designation;
1. Acute lymphocytic leukemia (lla). Is the most common type of leukemia in children. The disease is also found in adults who primarily have been aged 65 years or older.
2. Acute myelogenous leukemia (LMA). It is more common in adults than children. This type formerly called nonlimfositik acute leukemia.
3. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (LLK). This is often suffered by adults older than 55 years. Sometimes also suffered by young adults, and almost none in children.
4. Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) often occurs in adults. Can also occur in children, but very little.

# Cause Disease Leukemia

Until now the cause of leukemia is not known with certainty, but there are several factors affecting the frequency of occurrence of leukemia.
1. Radiation. This is supported by some reports from some studies that deal with cases of leukemia that radiology staff more often suffering from leukemia, Penerita with radiotherapy more often suffering from leukemia, leukemia incidence was found in atomic bomb survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.

2. Leukemogenik. Several chemicals have been identified are reported can affect the frequency of leukemia, eg environmental toxins such as benzene, a chemical such as insecticide inustri, drugs used for chemotherapy.

3. Hereditary. Down Syndrome sufferers have an acute leukemia incidence 20 times greater than normal people.

4. Viruses. Some types of viruses can cause leukemia, such as retroviruses, feline leukemia virus, HTLV-1 in adults.

# Signs and Symptoms of Leukemia Disease

Leukemia Symptoms are generally caused differ between the patients, however, can generally be described as follows:
1. Anemia. Patients will soon appear tired, pale and breathing fast (red blood cells below normal causing less oxygen in the body, resulting in the patient breathes faster to compensate for the fulfillment of oxygen deficiency in the body).

2. Bleeding. When Platelets (blood clotting cells) are not produced naturally as dominated by white blood cells, then the patient will experience bleeding skin dijaringan (number of larvae wide red / dijaringan little skin).

3. Esophageal infection. White blood cells act as protective immunity, especially against infectious diseases. In Leukemia Patients, white blood cells diterbentuk is not normal (abnormal) so can not work properly. As a result the body of the patient vulnerable to viral infection or bacteria, even by itself will reveal the existence of a complaint of fever, white-out fluid from the nose (runny) and cough.

4. Bones and Joints Pain. This is caused as a result of bone marrow (bone marrow) urged by the solid white blood cells.

5. Stomach pain. Abdominal pain is also one indication of the symptoms of leukemia, where the leukemia cells may collect in kidney, liver and bile that causes enlargement of these organs and emerge the pain. This may cause abdominal pain loss of appetite patients with leukemia.

6. Swollen Glands Lympa. Patients likely to experience swelling of the glands lympa, whether it is under the arm, neck, chest and others. Lympa duty gland filter blood, leukemia cells can be collected here and cause swelling.

7. Difficulty breathing (dyspnea). Patients may exhibit symptoms of difficulty breathing and chest pain, if this happens it should immediately get medical help.

# Diagnosis of Disease Leukemia (Blood Cancer)

Leukaemia disease can be ascertained with some checks, such as; biopsy, Blood tests (complete blood count (CBC)), CT or CAT scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), X-ray, Ultrasound, Spinal tap / lumbar puncture.

# Handling and Treatment of Leukemia

Handling cases of leukemia disease usually starts from the symptoms that arise, such as anemia, bleeding and infection. Broadly speaking the handling and treatment of leukemia can be done by a single or a combination of several methods below:

1. Chemotherapy / intrathecal medications
2. Radiation Therapy. This method is rarely used
3. Bone marrow transplantation (bone marrow)
4. Provision of drugs and hypodermic tablets
5. Transfusion of red blood cells or platelets.

Therapy systems that are often used in dealing with patients with leukemia is a combination of chemotherapy (chemotherapy) and the provision of drugs that focuses on the dismissal of production of abnormal white blood cells in the bone marrow. Next is the treatment of some symptoms and signs have been displayed by the patient's body to monitor the komprehensive.


Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer

Cancer Lung cancer is categorized in the deadly disease, for both men and women. Compared with other cancer types, such as prostate cancer, colon cancer, and breast cancer, lung cancer nowadays tend to rise faster development.

Lung cancer is a form of very rapid growth of cells (abnormal) in lung tissue caused by changes in tissue form cells or expansion of the cells themselves. If left to this abnormal growth can be spread to other organs, both near and far with a Pulmonary example bone, liver, or brain. Lung cancer caused by smoking more (87%), while the remainder is caused by the substance of asbestos, radiation, arsenic, chromate, nickel, klorometil ethers, mustard gas and coke oven emissions can cause lung cancer, although usually only occurs on workers who also smoked.

# Classification for Lung Cancer

There is the classification of lung cancer, is viewed from both dijaringan lung diffusion rate itself and to other organs. But basically the lung cancer is divided into two levels of criteria based on their distribution:

1. Primary lung cancer
Has two main types, namely Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). SCLC is the kind of small cells (many) which has a very rapid growth in power until engorged. Usually called "oat cell carcinomas" (wheat cell carcinoma). This type is closely associated with smokers, Handling responds well enough through the action of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

While the growth of NSCLC cells is a single, but often strike more than one area in the lungs. For example adenoma, Hamartoma kondromatous and Sarcoma.

2. Secondary lung cancer
Lung cancer is a disease that arises as a result of the spread of cancer from other organs, most often breast cancer and colon cancer (stomach). Cancer spreads through the blood, lymphatic system or due to closeness of organs.

# Signs and Symptoms of Lung Cancer

Signs and symptoms of lung cancer will only occur when the abnormal growth of cells was more severe towards a more advanced stage, and this will take many years since the beginning of its development. There's even a possibility did not show any specific signs and symptoms, but only visible if the X-ray done. But if some of the signs and symptoms below when perceived, should immediately see a doctor:

1. Old coughing in people smoking
2. Difficulty breathing (shortness of breath)
3. Cough out blood (even though small amounts)
4. Frequent lung infections (pneumonia or bronchitis)
5. The presence of chest pain, shoulder and back section
6. Change from the usual voice
7. Cough for more than two weeks in people who do not smoke
8. Others, such as difficulty swallowing, neck and face appeared swollen, decreased appetite, weight loss, quickly tired or weak.

# Causes Lung Cancer

The biggest cause is smoking, while others are caused by contamination of the surrounding air by the substance of asbestos, air pollution by fumes or combustion including tobacco smoke. There are several cases of diseases that trigger lung cancer, namely tuberculosis and pneumonia. Both diseases can cause organ injury in the lung tissue cells supports the growth of abnormal cells inside the cavity. Lung cancer usually develops from this case is a type of adenocarcinoma (adenoma).

# Handling and Lung Cancer Treatment

Handling and treatment or treatment performed on people who have undiagnosed lung cancer will depend on the level stage, the possibility of operation, and general condition of the patient. This is not apart of history and the causes of lung cancer is certainly there.

Some typical steps are:

* Actions cancer cells lift surgery
* Actions of Radiation Therapy
* Action Therapy Kemotherapy
* (Photodynamic Action injections (PTD))

Providing Nutrition and supplements can reduce symptoms caused by lung cancer. Vitamin D and Fe is very good to be administered by lung cancer patients, so it is with antioxidant foods like blueberri, cherri, and tomatoes. Source: Lung Cancer Disease


Elephant Leg Disease (or Elephantiasis Filariasis)

Elephant Leg Disease (or Elephantiasis Filariasis)

Elephant Leg Disease (or Elephantiasis Filariasis) is a group of infectious disease caused by Filaria worms that are transmitted through various species of mosquitoes. After biting mosquito, the parasite (larvae) will spread and when it comes to network lympa system then develops into the disease. This disease is chronic (chronic) and if not treated, can cause permanent disabilities such as enlargement of the legs, arms and genitals both women and men. Elephant Leg Disease is not a deadly disease, however, for patients may be something that feels shameful even can interfere with daily activities.

Elephant Leg Disease commonly found in many tropical regions. According to information from WHO, the order states that there are patients experiencing disease elephantiasis is South Asia (India and Bangladesh), Africa, the Pacific and the Americas. Later, many states also occur in Thailand and Indonesia (Southeast Asia).

# Transmission Elephant Leg Disease

The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes which suck the blood of someone who had contracted earlier. Infected blood and contain larvae and would be transmitted to another person when an infected mosquito bite or suck the blood of that person.

Unlike malaria and dengue fever, filariasis can be transmitted by 23 species of mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles, Culex, Mansonia, Aedes & Armigeres. Because of this, filariasis can spread very quickly.

# Signs and Symptoms of Elephant Leg Disease

A person infected with elephantiasis disease usually occurs in childhood, where in a long time (many years) began to be felt development.

The acute symptoms that can occur include:

* Fever over and over for 3-5 days, fever may be lost if the break and came back after working hard

* Swollen lymph nodes (without any cuts) areas thigh folds, armpits (lymphadenitis), which are reddish, hot and painful

* Inflammation of lymph channels that feels hot and the pain that spreads from the base of the foot or base of the arm towards the end (retrograde lymphangitis)

* Filarial abscesses often suffer due to swollen lymph nodes, it can burst and release pus and blood

* Enlarging the legs, arms, breasts, testicles that look a little flushed and feels hot (early lymphodema)

While the symptoms of chronic diseases such as elephantiasis, is a permanent enlargement (elephantiasis) of the legs, arms, breasts, testicles (elephantiasis skroti).

# Elephant Leg Disease Diagnostic Examination

Elephantiasis disease is generally detected through microscopic examination of blood, Till this moment it is still considered difficult because of microfilaria just come and present themselves in the blood at night for several hours (nocturnal periodicity).

In addition, various method of examination was also performed to diagnose the disease elephantiasis. Among them is the system known as membrane Penjaringan, Knott concentration method and the deposition technique.

Inspection method which is closer towards the diagnosis and recognized by the WHO is a road inspection system "test card" This is very simple and sensitive for detecting the spread of the parasite (larvae). That is by taking a finger prick blood sample droplets diwaktu system anytime, not necessarily at night.

# Handling and Treatment Elephant Leg Disease

The main goal in early treatment of patients with elephantiasis, the disease is to eradicate parasites or larvae that developed in the patient's body, so the rate of transmission can be suppressed and reduced.

Dietilkarbamasin (diethylcarbamazine (DEC)) is the only potent drugs for filariasis bancrofti or malayi filariasis, is makrofilarisidal and mikrofilarisidal. These drugs are relatively cheap, safe and no drug resistance. Patients who received this drug therapy may provide local and systemic side reactions are temporary and easily resolved with symptomatic medication.

Dietilkarbamasin not be used for khemoprofilaksis. Treatment is given orally after dinner, quickly absorbed, reaching peak concentration in blood in three hours, and excreted through urine. Dietilkarbamasin diberikanpada no children younger than 2 years, pregnant / lactating, and patients with severe pain or
in a position of weakness.

However, in cases of elephantiasis disease severe enough (already enlarged) because it is not detected early, in addition to giving drugs would require further steps such as surgery.

# Elephant Leg Disease Prevention

For patients with disease awareness elephant expected to check their medicine and get medical treatment so as not to disseminate obtan transmission to other communities. For this reason there should be education and the introduction of diseases to patients and residents nearby.

Eradication of mosquitoes each region is very important to break the disease transmission chain. Maintain environmental hygiene is of paramount importance to prevent the development of mosquitoes that area.


Drinking hooked Sweet Fat When Making Child Adolescent

Drinking hooked Sweet Fat When Making Child Adolescent

Parents must be careful in giving a sweet drink intake when the child is still small. Because of what children consume at the age of five years will affect the child's body fat within the next 10 years.

A study shows parents are usually not paid much attention her daughter's weight problem by allowing these children to consume two or more times that sweet drinks each day as a child. "The high intake of sweet drinks, like soda, fruit flavor drinks and sports drinks at the age of five years, will be associated with body fat child within the next 10 years," said Dr. Laura Fiorito from Pennsylvania State University, as quoted from Reuters , Monday (11/09/2009).

Fiorito and colleagues note in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that high body fat during adolescence has been linked to various health problems such as being overweight (overweight) for long periods, diabetes or heart disease risk.

The team from Fiorito examined 160 children and young women aged 5 years. In this case the researchers measured weight, height and body fat exist. Body fat and body weight possessed these children depends on how many children are consuming sweet drinks each day.

After the factors that influence body weight by allowing levels of body fat, found children who consumed two or more sweet drinks each day have presentations higher body fat and tend to be overweight than girls who consumed less sweet drinks.

Children who at the age of five sweet drink less than one time per day was found excess weight around 16 to 19 percent within the next 10 years. Meanwhile, children who consume more than two times sweet drinks each day showed that overweight is larger, ie about 32 to 39 percent.

Therefore, Fiorito and colleagues suggest that parents pay attention to intake of beverages consumed by children, especially beverages with high sugar content. Keep children do not eat them too often so that children are not at risk of overweight.


Laugh It Makes Healthy

Laugh It Makes Healthy

Obviously everyone had a laugh. Who has not ever laugh? I think the answer is no. Laughter is a separate medical therapy for all people. Laughter is also easy to find. Seeing a funny television show, mambaca joke book, and saw that adorable baby activities. Among other benefits of laughter are: 1. Tertawa bermanfaat untuk kesehatan. Dengan tertawa kita telah melepaskan energi positif yang menstimulasi otak guna membuang pemikiran-pemikiran negatif maupun depresi. Jika perasaan tidak menyenangkan itu hilang, tubuh akan memicu peningkatan sistem kekebalan tubuh melalui perasaan kita yang telah diubah menjadi kegembiraan. Ini sangat berpengaruh bagi kesehatan jiwa kita.

2. Ketika Tertawa, dari dalam tubuh akan dihasilkan hormon endorphine yang memberikan perasaan nyaman bagi tubuh. Ketegangan pikiran yang Anda alami akan berkurang dengan sendirinya, bisa dikatakan sebagai penenang alami (bukan obat).

3. Tertawa sebagai Proses Penyembuhan Penyakit. Tertawa akan menarik otot-otot tubuh untuk bergerak lemas lepas dengan perlahan-lahan menjadi kendur (tidak tegang). Peredaran darah ikut menjadi lancar dan lebih terbuka sehingga darah dapat dialirkan lebih baik ke seluruh tubuh. Zat tubuh dan oksigen dialirkan dengan baik, tekanan darah menjadi normal kembali.

4. Tertawa sepenuh Hati. Buatlah aktifitas tertawa Anda benar-benar dari relung jiwa Anda yang paling dalam. Dengan begitu, Anda merasakan lega yang bercampur senang. Otot-otot wajah akan mulai bergerak rileks mengikuti senyuman Anda. Itu mengapa tertawa bisa mempertahankan kita awet muda.

Tertawa tentu tetap mengikuti aturan yang benar. Maksud saya adalah, kita bedakan tertawa sehat menyenagkan dengan tertawa buruk. Tertawa sehat menyenangkan apabila tertawa karena sesuatu hal yang positif, tertawa ikut bersuka ria dengan orang disekitar, dan tertawa yang Anda cari ketika membutuhkan pertolongan untuk keadaan hati Anda yang sedang gundah.

Sedangkan tertawa buruk adalah tertawa karena mengejek orang lain, karena melihat kesalahan orang lain yang berakibat menyakiti hati orang, tertawa yang tidak pada tempatnya, tertawa secara kasar dan tidak sopan.




overweight is the most feared by women, many of the problems caused from being overweight is like, a crisis of confidence, difficulty in choosing a dress size, not only that the most terrible is the emergence of various diseases such as complaints, high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol and many more which could possibly arise from obesity.themselves overweight is caused by several factors such as heredity, diet is wrong, unhealthy lifestyle, and for women is usually a lot of experience after giving birth out.
efforts were made to be able to lose weight, if you think about stress sometimes also with body shape that is not like before, as a result many different ways can be made to lose weight like, consume slimming drugs, diets, liposuction, etc. undertaken when it is not necessarily true in fact can sometimes make us hurt even more upset with the condition of our body.
if I think that's ultimate recovery postpartum overweight today positive thinking, how can let sehat.tadinya ngoyo also want a rich body once more before giving birth are many ways that made it a little lower than the most stressful meet deh way already make me rich enjoy running it.
The first morning walk I'll try sports briefly
The second drink plenty of water
third less oily food
fourth eat less rice (not ga be but its portion is deducted from ordinary)
ga dining above the five hours of 7 nights
five ways it diterapin casually have become a burden indeed ga ga decrease drastically but can make the body a little preferably (slightly underestimated) than on expensive slimming products that ga pake know as much as possible the effect is mild kebadan set an important pattern of healthy eating itself.


Do You Know Why It's More Fun ............?! Slender

Do You Know Why It's More Fun ............?! Slender

Have you tried to diet but failed only because of hungry eyes. Pengennya's stop snacking but klo fit again there are people selling meatballs through ato others, began deh mouth watering .....! Uh ... Uh ... Uh ...

Well, for that read this paper to motivate you avoid the temptation to interfere with your diet program. Fear and realized ..... because this is also for the kindness you ....! Let us respect ourselves and appreciate the gift of HIS by keeping our bodies healthy and fit 1. Slim = long life

One study showed that overweight condition can trigger the production of the hormone leptin and estrogen, the hormone that encourages the development of abnormal cells that lead to tumors. By losing weight, you'll avoid some types of cancer. According to a study at the University of Minnesota on 22 000 women
as long as seven years old, overweight woman who managed to lose weight is around 10-15% of body weight can reduce breast cancer risk as much as 21%.

Obesity can also cause hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and stroke because of blockage of blood flow by the amount of fat and fatty gruel LDL in some vital organs of our. What will happen to klo heart, liver, kidney and pancreas we collapsed because of obesity, it seems like life would not hesitate matipun.

Researchers from the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston found that symptoms of diabetes is reduced when 24 people on average of over 10-25 pounds, lost about 7% of initial body weight. In diabetics, insulin function disorders can also cause disturbances in fat metabolism (dyslipidemia). This can be seen from the increased levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides, and lower HDL (good cholesterol). This condition can cause chatter creates plaque in blood vessels (atherosclerosis) that cause blood vessel diameter decreases. Tail, the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke increases. If we lean, we can prolong life by medical science.
2. Slim = strong, fit and energetic

Obesity makes difficult the road, new 5-minute foot path already feels Pegel and struggling breath. Ato klo dah have grandchildren, nieces and nephews could not be stronger nggendong long. For those of men willing to work overtime tonight ato sport can not last long, huh ...... dah new dicelupin capeeeeeek deeeeeh out ...!!!! Imagine if your big belly and then climbed on top of your wife, what's not afraid of your wife's illness shortness of breath ...?

According to researchers from Wake Forest University, which has the size of their waist and hip circumference above 75 cm will decrease in muscle strength. Consequently, they no longer had enough energy to perform various activities. Come on, lower the weight now so you have enough energy to perform active, including office work and busy with work home without appearing sluggish. Usually, people do seem more nimble slim right?
3. Slim = pede
Many times I have met people who are overweight and then I gave a brochure about healthy info and some of them feel harassed when my intention is to help solution for healthy living. Most fat people will experience a sense of self-conscious and less confident that resulted in their being a bit overakting respond to something because of all the things associated with obesity they respond directly to the NEGATIVE thoughts. They're actually conscious but there is no strong motivation to get them to change and find solutions. This is very contradictory if we give information about the beauty / health info to the slim, the tendency of them is smiling and responding positively. That's understandable because they are very confident with their bodies, something we do not encounter in the fat. In conclusion, being overweight can make you into the mindset of people with NEGATIVE.
4. Slim = free clothes what and where aja ... aja!
Want to wear a little more strict, but shy with abdominal fat deposits are printed on the shirt? Want to wear baggy clothes, then practically lag model & not born-born pregnant. Awry trim it ... If you do not need to worry anymore. Aja wear what model, you need not bother to hide the deposit of fat in the belly! yuuuukk ..... You can also buy clothes where aja normal size. We klo slender, more rural roads in the mall ... yuuukk.
5. Slim = knee durable awake

Boro-boro pake pretty or high-heeled shoes, you can lho difficulty walking or moving because of the fat. Because excess weight will give greater weight to the knee joint. If allowed, could cause inflammation in the knee joints (osteoarthritis). Symptoms include, pain in the knee joint and may also be followed by swelling.
When you have severe, joints become stiff and can also be difficult to walk.

Research at the Centers For Disease Control & Prevention says that the increase in body weight increases the risk of arthritis in the knee joints of 10-15% in women and 50-10% in men. Mothers aged> 60 years who suffer from obesity are particularly vulnerable to problems lulut. Most of them will have difficulty getting up from sitting and when sholat.So Slim .... can make us pray with Khushuu '
6. Slim = live in prosperity
Obesity can invite disease. Starting from the trivial, such as joint pain, up to the heavyweights such as: hypertension, diabetes, heart attack, stroke and some cancers. If you suffer from the disease, the burden of very high morals. Nyusahin addition, costs incurred to recover any definitely much depleted. So guys, ... You try to follow the suggestions above you, lower your weight is 50-10%, Insha Allah you will save expenses for medical treatment for one full year or more. The effect kitya can use our budget for other things more useful, especially for our children. Klo slim .... we could be more frugal, tul not ....??
7. Slim = breath smoothly

Excess fat can also suppress the respiratory tract that can cause the disorder sleep apnea, the cessation of breathing during sleep. Disorders such as this, over time can lead to heart failure and can lead to death. Aaawwww ..... IIhhhh Sereeeem!

The fact is also supported by a study conducted at the University of Ottawa on 50 obese women. When their body weight decreased by 10%, lung function will be increased by 5% And when they lose 25% of initial weight, strength bernafasny will increase 10%. So guys ... snoring could be due to obesity lhooo ...
8. So slim = normal hormonal
This can be characterized by irregular menstrual cycles, cysts, endometriosis, and even DIFFICULT PREGNANCY! This is a sign that your body has a hormone imbalance. In adult women, hormonal imbalances usually occur because of obesity. The most extreme, can lead to hyperandrogenism -> a situation where the amount of androgen hormones increase. As a result, too, happened hirsutism (masculine signs), such as acne, hair growth on face and body, and some sound changes become more severe.




WHO report says that the number of smokers increased by 2.1% per year in developing countries, whereas in developed countries this figure decreased by around 1.1% per year. Research in Jakarta showed 64,8% of men and 9.8% of women with age above 13 years were smokers.

Cigarettes and women? This has included all the issues about gender, femininity, fetal health, breast cancer, uterine cancer, personal appearance, prestige, lifestyle, and also to a code of ethics. Tabunya women still smoking is a classic problem. Two important problems of women with smoking was started by health problems and end with ketidaketisan problem. Dalam masalah kesehatan, banyak berita yang memaparkan tentang berbagai penyakit akibat kebiasaan merokok. Diantaranya batuk kering, kanker paru-paru, kanker mulut, dan sebagainya. Merokok juga menimbulkan perasaan takut, gemetar, bimbang, resah, melemahkan akal, mengurangi nafsu makan, menguningkan wajah dan gigi, menyempitkan pernapasan, menjadikan manusia malas dan lemah, dan lain-lain.

Setiap kali kita menyalakan rokok, maka denyut jantung bertambah, kemampuan jantung membawa oksigen berkurang, HDL turun, dan menyebabkan pengaktifan platelet (sel-sel penggumpal darah). Orang seringkali tidak mau berhenti merokok karena alasan takut gemuk karena ngemil sebagai pengganti rokok membuat berat badan bertambah. Namun, mereka tidak menyadari bahwa risiko penyakit jantung akibat merokok setara dengan 100 pon kelebihan berat badan.

Setiap orang yang merokok, baik laki-laki atau perempuan, pastinya mereka mengetahui dampak dan bahaya dari merokok. Tapi, mengapa orang-orang tersebut masih tetap mempertahankan kebiasaan buruknya? Itu kembali lagi kepada masing-masing individu. Setiap individu mempunyai pilihan dan hidup adalah pilihan. Para perempuan perokok sudah memilih merokok sebagai gaya hidup mereka dengan segala bahaya dan risiko yang akan ditanggungnya sendiri.


Betel Leaf properties

Betel Leaf properties

Take one sheet of betel leaf, while in the press to roll out its oil and use to block the nose to bleed.

Take 4-6 pieces of betel leaf, six white pepper, 1 tablespoon oil kelapa.Tumbuk all ingredients together until smooth, then rub on the stomach. Repeat until cured Toothache
Treatment: In kumur1. betel leaves boiled with 2 cups water to boiling and then cool in the cooking water tersebut.Gunakan cooking water to rinse. Repeated regularly until sembuh.2. Take two pieces of betel leaf that has been crushed, salt secukupnya.Caranya, tersebuh materials brewed with hot water as much as a cup, then stir until the salt dissolved, allow to cool. Water is used for gargling.
AlergiPengobatan: outside, in the brush on the part gatalBahan: 6 pieces of betel leaf, a piece of yellow ginger, 1.5 putih.Caranya wooden spoon oil, all ingredients are pounded together until smooth, then rubbed on the body that itches .

Take seven pieces of betel leaf and a piece of sugar batu.Caranya, betel leaves, finely chopped, then boiled with rock sugar with 2 cups boiling water to within a glass, then filtered. Water decoction drunk three times a day, each with 3 tablespoons.

Take 7-10 sirih.Caranya leaves, betel leaves, boiled with 2.5 liters of water until boiling. While still warm, the water decoction of betel leaf is used to wash and clean up around the crotch over and over ulang.dari various sources


Basil Leaf Properties

Basil Leaf Properties.

Frequently encountered basil
tradisoinal market or displayed on supermarket shelves that
sold in the bond-small approach. The price is practically a relatively cheap,
we usually buy it just for salad or as an aromatic seasoning
in cooking. Basil is a member of the family Lamiaceae, which means a group of plants
with lipped flowers. Basil is Ocimum genus name meaning
aromatic plants. The distinctive aroma comes from the leaves. Basil
closely related to plant sweet basil (ocimun sancium), mint leaves
(Mentha arvensis), and wake-up leaves aka cumin leaves (Coleus
amboinicus). Mint leaves in the Sunda known karesmen, commonly eaten
crude. The closest relatives with basil is a bacillus (ocimun
amboinicus). In Jakarta, fresh basil is only sold in the supermarkets are packed
small tube in the container. Basil is widely used as seasoning
to mix aromatic Italian cuisine, such as sauce or ketchup sphagetti
pizza. Basil plant is then lowered a variety of
varieties of basil.

Basil in Indonesia named botanical Ocimum basillicum. Because
menyemak growth, basil bush basil are grouped in groups
(Bush basil).

In Jakarta, basil commonly used in typical Betawi dish, such as
laksa or rice side dish. In West Java, basil alias used surawung
in a variety of delicious dishes such as the Sunda ulukutek Oncom leunca
(Saute leunca), pais side dish (fish Pepes), laksa bogor or Karedok.
While in the area of East Java, basil leaves, served with rice
krawu, botok, trancam (urap), tempeh or fish seasoning pencek pesmol
who felt less fit and less enjoyable without basil. In
Manado cuisine treasures - like the porridge tasty complete - stamped
basil as a complementary dish.

In India and parts of Africa, steeping "basil tea" is commonly
steeping tea leaves are replacing the original. The drugs are usually
presented at the turn of seasons, when people are easily attacked
coughs, colds, or fevers.

Unlike in Europe, where basil oil is distilled and taken
atsirinya. Basil essential oil is widely used as ingredients
manufacture of drugs or for the care of the body such as toilet soap, prickly
perfume, body lotion, ointment, candy lozenges, and also
aromatherapy oils.

According to "the list of food" Directorate Nutrition Department
Health, including vegetables rich basil provitamin A. Each 100 g
5000 SI basil leaves contained vitamin A. Another plus, basil
including many vegetables that contain the minerals calcium and phosphorus,
It is consist of 45 and 75 mg per 100 g of basil leaves.

NATION basil we have long recognized as a functional food
at the same time delicious nutritious medicine. Hereditary, basil
used to solve or go wind flatulence. If
babies and toddlers you suffer from bloating, or fever, just dab squeeze
red onion and basil with coconut oil on the abdomen, chest,
and backs (because babies can not eat).

When we face problems with body odor, bad breath,
or milk jam, can be overcome by getting used to eating fresh vegetable
fresh basil. Alternatively, drink juice of basil leaves that have been
beluntas leaves and mashed with turmeric leaves. In the book "A
Medical Dictionary of Practical Materials ", John Henry M. mention,
basil nutritious juice cure diarrhea, breast pain, stones
kidney, disorders of the vagina, and also can overcome albuminaria,
namely the concentration of albumin in the urine.

According to a team of researchers from the Center for New Crops and Plant Products,
Purdue University, USA, basil proven to heal
headaches, colds, diarrhea, constipation, worms, and kidney disorders.
They also suggested the efficacy of treatment using basil leaves,
which can cope with heartburn, flatulence, colds,
seizures, and lethargic body. In addition, the aroma of basil can reject
mosquito bites.

Since time immemorial, basil juice is distilled to obtain oil
atsirinya. John Henry classify as essential oil basil oil
high. That is, the smell of basil is lost after the 24 hours immediately applied to
body. For comparison, the essential oil is medium, will be lost
smell after three days lubricated, while the category of essential oil
low, the scent disappears after a week.

Basil essential oil can be used for aroma therapy massage for
basil essential oil can relieve and refresh your body. However,
Pregnant women are prohibited from using it because it was feared could
causes of miscarriage.

In addition, basil oil nutritious overcome indigestion
such as indigestion, vomiting, intestinal infections, gastric inflammation, as well as
gas in the intestines. Also, disorders of the head (such as ear pain, fever,
nasal tract pain, migraine), muscle disorders (spasms or cramps),
and neurological disorders (anxiety, depression, hysteria, weak nerves, insomia).

For men, there are also benefits basil. Compounds 1-8 in basil sineol
can overcome the problem of premature ejaculation. Fenkhona and apigenin
his eugenol may facilitate the occurrence of an erection. While the substance arginine
contained in the basil can strengthen the vitality of the sperm and
prevent infertility.

As for women, basil, including a very healthy food
useful. Basil and boron-rich compound that stimulates anetol hormone
estrogen, whereas the compound can kill the fungus causing eugenolnya
whitish. Stigmaasterol substances in basil stimulates cell maturation
egg (ovulation), tannin, and zinc reduces the secretion of vaginal fluids.
Substances could delay monopause tryptophan. Basil is not a vegetable
usual, so do not underestimate the basil. (Sisca Dharmayanti)

People's minds Cyber Media

Basil (Sunda: surawung) is no stranger to us, we often encounter
tradisoinal market or displayed on supermarket shelves that
sold in the bond-small approach. The price is practically a relatively cheap,
we usually buy it just for salad or as an aromatic seasoning
in cooking. Basil is a member of the family Lamiaceae, which means a group of plants
with lipped flowers. Basil is Ocimum genus name meaning
aromatic plants. The distinctive aroma comes from the leaves. Basil
closely related to plant sweet basil (ocimun sancium), mint leaves
(Mentha arvensis), and wake-up leaves aka cumin leaves (Coleus
amboinicus). Mint leaves in the Sunda known karesmen, commonly eaten
crude. The closest relatives with basil is a bacillus (ocimun

In Jakarta, fresh basil is only sold in the supermarkets are packed
small tube in the container. Basil is widely used as seasoning
to mix aromatic Italian cuisine, such as sauce or ketchup sphagetti
pizza. Basil plant is then lowered a variety of
varieties of basil.

Basil in Indonesia named botanical Ocimum basillicum. Because
menyemak growth, basil bush basil are grouped in groups
(Bush basil).

In Jakarta, basil commonly used in typical Betawi dish, such as
laksa or rice side dish. In West Java, basil alias used surawung
in a variety of delicious dishes such as the Sunda ulukutek Oncom leunca
(Saute leunca), pais side dish (fish Pepes), laksa bogor or Karedok.
While in the area of East Java, basil leaves, served with rice
krawu, botok, trancam (urap), tempeh or fish seasoning pencek pesmol
who felt less fit and less enjoyable without basil. In
Manado cuisine treasures - like the porridge tasty complete - stamped
basil as a complementary dish.

In India and parts of Africa, steeping "basil tea" is commonly
steeping tea leaves are replacing the original. The drugs are usually
presented at the turn of seasons, when people are easily attacked
coughs, colds, or fevers.

Unlike in Europe, where basil oil is distilled and taken
atsirinya. Basil essential oil is widely used as ingredients
manufacture of drugs or for the care of the body such as toilet soap, prickly
perfume, body lotion, ointment, candy lozenges, and also
aromatherapy oils.

According to "the list of food" Directorate Nutrition Department
Health, including vegetables rich basil provitamin A. Each 100 g
5000 SI basil leaves contained vitamin A. Another plus, basil
including many vegetables that contain the minerals calcium and phosphorus,
It is consist of 45 and 75 mg per 100 g of basil leaves.

NATION basil we have long recognized as a functional food
at the same time delicious nutritious medicine. Hereditary, basil
used to solve or go wind flatulence. If
babies and toddlers you suffer from bloating, or fever, just dab squeeze
red onion and basil with coconut oil on the abdomen, chest,
and backs (because babies can not eat).

When we face problems with body odor, bad breath,
or milk jam, can be overcome by getting used to eating fresh vegetable
fresh basil. Alternatively, drink juice of basil leaves that have been
beluntas leaves and mashed with turmeric leaves. In the book "A
Medical Dictionary of Practical Materials ", John Henry M. mention,
basil nutritious juice cure diarrhea, breast pain, stones
kidney, disorders of the vagina, and also can overcome albuminaria,
namely the concentration of albumin in the urine.

According to a team of researchers from the Center for New Crops and Plant Products,
Purdue University, USA, basil proven to heal
headaches, colds, diarrhea, constipation, worms, and kidney disorders.
They also suggested the efficacy of treatment using basil leaves,
which can cope with heartburn, flatulence, colds,
seizures, and lethargic body. In addition, the aroma of basil can reject
mosquito bites.

Since time immemorial, basil juice is distilled to obtain oil
atsirinya. John Henry classify as essential oil basil oil
high. That is, the smell of basil is lost after the 24 hours immediately applied to
body. For comparison, the essential oil is medium, will be lost
smell after three days lubricated, while the category of essential oil
low, the scent disappears after a week.

Basil essential oil can be used for aroma therapy massage for
basil essential oil can relieve and refresh your body. However,
Pregnant women are prohibited from using it because it was feared could
causes of miscarriage.

In addition, basil oil nutritious overcome indigestion
such as indigestion, vomiting, intestinal infections, gastric inflammation, as well as
gas in the intestines. Also, disorders of the head (such as ear pain, fever,
nasal tract pain, migraine), muscle disorders (spasms or cramps),
and neurological disorders (anxiety, depression, hysteria, weak nerves, insomia).

For men, there are also benefits basil. Compounds 1-8 in basil sineol
can overcome the problem of premature ejaculation. Fenkhona and apigenin
his eugenol may facilitate the occurrence of an erection. While the substance arginine
contained in the basil can strengthen the vitality of the sperm and
prevent infertility.

As for women, basil, including a very healthy food
useful. Basil and boron-rich compound that stimulates anetol hormone
estrogen, whereas the compound can kill the fungus causing eugenolnya
whitish. Stigmaasterol substances in basil stimulates cell maturation
egg (ovulation), tannin, and zinc reduces the secretion of vaginal fluids.
Substances could delay monopause tryptophan. Basil is not a vegetable
usual, so do not underestimate the basil.

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