Genes Cause Pain

Genes Cause Pain

Two people with the same pains have different pain levels. For example both back pain but one can still indulge while others could only lay there. This apparently caused by different genes.

Scientists have struggled to explain why some people are more sensitive and less able to withstand pain. A gene known as SCN9A responsible for this. These findings could be expected in future gene therapy as an alternative in patients who experience severe chronic pain.

"By finding the gene that is responsible for the pain, it can increase the ability to conquer and control it," said Dr. Geoffrey Woods of the Cambridge University, as quoted from the Telegraph, Tuesday (03/09/2010). Dr Woods added this for biomedical researchers and doctors are looking for analgesics (pain relievers) is effective with an acceptable side effects. Therefore required a significant development of therapies and even better.

Many people in the world suffer from chronic pain resulting from injury or arthritis that affects their lives and some even cause depression.

Scientists find a gene in a study involving 578 people who suffer from osteoarthritis, pain rheumatic pain, sore pungung and other pain problems.

Discovered a protein made by this version of the gene mutations known as SCN9A open longer than usual. This could increase the activation of the nerve resulting in pain or pain sensation.

"The pain serves as an adaptive mechanism that protects us from damage to tissues and as a warning to the possibility of injury," said Dr Woods.

 With the discovery of genes of this pain, so the researchers can modify the function of SCN9A that could potentially treat conditions such as osteoarthitris. The results of this study have been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


8 Diseases Descendants

8 Diseases Descendants

There are some diseases that derivative is automatically lowered to the child or the next generation, namely:

1. Haemophilia
Haemophilia is one instance of disease due to deficiency of blood clotting factor 8 or 9. Commands have blood clots in the X chromosome, so hemophilia patients are mostly men. Because the majority of women as carriers only. The disease is difficult to prevent because every child has one sex chromosome from the mother and one sex chromosome from the father, hence the disease is always starting from the children. 
2. Color-blind
Color blindness is one of vision problems because of the inability to see the differences between some colors, the disease is inherited from the X chromosome genetic mutation Most of these diseases due to genetic factors, but there's also caused damage to the eyes, nerves or brain due to certain chemicals. Mutation that causes color blindness if there are at least 19 different chromosomes and 56 different genes. This condition can occur when a child or an adult.

3. Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus have a strong relationship with the offspring. The disease is characterized by high blood sugar levels caused by insulin in the body that can not work optimally. Someone who has leukocyte antigens (human leukocyte antigen / HLA) in blood obtained from the parents will have a strong tendency to develop type 1 diabetes.

While type 2 diabetes is also a derivative of the disease which will appear in the next generation if there are other problems that accompany obesity, hypertension or an unhealthy lifestyle that interfere with the function of beta cells in his body.

4. Thalassemia
Thalassemia is a blood disorder due to hemoglobin in the blood very easily broken. This disease is genetically inherited when both parents are carriers properties (carrier). As a result of this blood disorder makes children look pale and must get regular blood transfusions for hemoglobin remained normal. Based on Mendel's laws if his mother as a carrier, then any chance of 25 percent of healthy children, 50 percent as the carrier, and 25 percent of infected thalassemia.

5. Baldness
As it is known that baldness is caused by many things, but one of them could also result from the genetic parents. If his father had suffered hair loss, then at least one of her children are experiencing hair loss caused by inherited genes.

Dr. Angela Christiano, professor of dermatology and genetics at Columbia University Medical Center discovered a gene that causes hair thinning and may even feel the effect when still a child. Unknown gene that causes hair follicles APCDD1 shrinking so that more and more hair thinning and balding.

6. Allergy
Most of the allergy is caused by heredity. If a parent has allergies talent, then there is a chance of about 70 percent of children will have allergies as well. But if only one person who is allergic, then this risk factor could be decreased by about 30 percent.

7. Albino
Albino is one disease that caused the child's derivatives containing an albino gene from the father and mother. Most people with an albino is born of parents who have the disorder in terms of production melaninnya, but in people carriers will not show signs of having an albino gene. If parents only as a carrier or have one albino gene, should not marry someone who has an albino.

8. Asthma
Asthma is one disease and it is known that the derivative of a stronger maternal factors to reduce asthma in children compared with the father factor. Asthma can occur when triggered by the presence of a nearby allergens. In addition about 30 percent of asthma is caused by the descendants of his parents. But in some people with asthma well controlled, can be lost when approaching adulthood.

 One way to prevent these diseases dropped to the next generation is to do a complete examination before marriage. Because of this examination will be known whether they have inherited the disease gene to their children later or not so they can be better prepared to face it.  



Appendicitis (Appendicitis)

Before further discussion about appendicitis which in medical language is called Appendicitis, then it first must be understood what is meant by the appendix. Appendix, as the name suggests that this is really the tip intestinal tract is clogged. This gut of approximately pinkie finger, is connected to the large intestine that is located in the lower right abdomen.

Appendectomy in Latin referred to as Appendix vermiformis, this organ is found in humans, mammals, birds, and several species of reptiles. This organ was originally considered as an additional organ that has no function, but when it is known that the function of the appendix is an organ imunologic and actively play a role in the secretion of immunoglobulin (an immune system) which has / contains lymphoid glands.

Like the organs of the body another, appendix or the appendix of this disorder can suffer damage or disease attack. It is that often we know the name of appendicitis Disease (Appendicitis).

Disease Causes of appendicitis (Appendicitis)

Appendicitis disease is generally caused by bacterial infection, but there are several possible factors originators who until now could not clearly known. Among the factors blockage (obstruction) in the lining of the channel (lumen) appendix by feces pile / hard fecal material (fekalit), hyperplasia (enlargement) lymphoid tissue, worm diseases, parasites, foreign bodies in the body, the primary cancer and stricture.

Among the factors above, the most frequently found and is strongly suspected as a factor penyabab blockage by stool / feces and lymphoid tissue hyperplasia. Obstruction or enlargement is at the media for bacteria to breed. Please note that in the feces / human fecal material is likely to have been contaminated by the bacterium / bacteria Escherichia coli, is that often lead to infection resulting in inflammation of the appendix.

Eating chilies with cashew seeds or seeds with guajava s epiderm often not digested in the feces and slipped kesaluran appendices as salty things, Nor hardening stool / feces (constipation) in a very long time there may be parts tucked into kesaluran appendices which eventually became the media germs / bacteria nest and breed as the infection that causes inflammation of the appendix.

Someone who experienced worm disease (intestinal worms), if the worm that breeds in the large intestine and then strayed into the appendix, it can cause disease of appendicitis.

The disease picture of appendicitis (Appendicitis)

Inflammation or pembengkakaan that occurred in the appendix causing lymph fluid and blood flow is not perfect in the appendix (appendices) as a result of pressure, finally the appendix and damage occurred decay (gangrene) because it did not get food again.

This appendix decomposition produces purulent fluid, if not immediately dealt with the consequences appendix will rupture (perforation / tear) and pus, which contains the bacteria spread to the abdominal cavity. Impact is a widespread infection, ie infection of the abdomen wall (peritonitis).

Signs and symptoms of appendicitis disease

Symptoms vary depending on the stage appendix;
Acute appendicitis disease (sudden).
In this condition, which caused symptoms of high body heat, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain right bottom, make the walk so sick, so rather terbongkok, but not everyone will show symptoms such as these, can also only be feverish, or nausea-vomiting only.

Chronic appendicitis disease.
At this stage the symptoms of heartburn a little like where there is a faint pain (dull) in the area around the navel and sometimes fever that come and go. Often accompanied by nausea and sometimes vomiting, and pain it will move to the right lower abdomen with signs typical of acute appendicitis is pain point PD Mc Burney (medical term).
The spread of pain will depend on the direction of the position / location of the appendix to the colon itself, When the tip touches the appendix ureter ureter, the pain will be the same with colicky pain sensation of the urinary tract, and there might be trouble urinating. If the appendix to the rear position, the pain came on rectal examination or puncture the vaginal puncture. In the appendix another position, the pain may not be so specific.

Inspection diagnosis of appendicitis disease

There are several checks that can be done by the health team to determine and diagnose the disease of appendicitis (Appendicitis) by the patient. Among them are physical examination, laboratory and radiological examinations;
Physical examination.
In acute appendicitis, with observations would seem there is swelling (swelling) of the abdominal cavity where the walls seem to tighten the abdomen (distention). On touching (palpation) the lower right abdominal area, often feels pain when pressed and released when the pressure will also be a pain (Blumberg sign) which is the key to the diagnosis of acute appendicitis.

With the action right leg bent and strong thighs / leg in lifting it high, then the abdominal pain was getting worse. Suspicion of appendicitis inflammation increases when the inspection or the rectum and the vagina leading to pain, too. Rectal temperature (rectal) temperature is higher than the armpit (axilla), further supporting the longer presence of appendicitis.

Laboratory examination.
On laboratory examination of blood, which can be found is an increase of white blood cells (leukocytes) to around 10 000 - 18.000/mm3. If the increase is more than that, then chances are the appendix had perforated (burst).

Radiological examination.
Plain photo abdomen may reveal a fekalit. But this examination is rarely helpful in the diagnosis of appendicitis. Ultrasonography (USG) was quite helpful in the diagnosis of appendicitis (71-97%), especially for pregnant women and children. The highest level of accuracy is by CT scan (93-98%). With the CT scan can clearly picture the appendix.

Handling and Nursing appendicitis

 When the diagnosis is certain, then the standard treatment for the disease of appendicitis (appendicitis) is operating. Early on when this condition can be immediately diagnosed the possibility of giving antibiotics can only be done, however kekambuhannya level reaches 35%. 


7 Things to Avoid After At Age 30 Years

7 Things to Avoid After At Age 30 Years

Previously, we never discuss those things that women need to do before the age of 30 years. But, you know, there are some habits that need to stop single women after the age of three-foot head.

1. Forgetting birthdays pasanganSudah time for your parents and stay close to family and those closest to you.
2. Regard all men brengsekHati caution, if you continue to feel this way, it could be no men fit to be your life companion. 3. Can not forget a former lover If still flashing before his ex-lover, this can actually hinder your new found love. If the former is no longer showing signs to get back together, better close the 'sheet of love' you with him. And, begin to open your heart to another man.
4. Revenge on everyone who hurt you the time AndaSudah heartened to face various problems. Even if there is someone who makes your offense better not extended. There are still many more important issues that need to finish.
5. Do not wait check rutinJangan ill health, you just check the health condition. After the age of three heads, the body vulnerable to disease. Therefore, lead health tests, especially the reproductive organs checks, regularly go to the doctor before the disease strikes.

6. Jump to bed without cleaning wajahSeiring increasing age, the skin should be treated properly. Change the habit of not washing her face, do not apply moisturizer to the face. how this could delay the arrival of wrinkles on your face.

7. Only live from gajiDi 30s, you should no longer depend on the payroll office. Start looking for additional income, such as from business. That way, you never need to work too hard to save for retirement.

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