Net Can Prevent Mouth Cancer

Net Can Prevent Mouth Cancer
Oral cancer, according to Tri, caused ketidakbersihan mouth and teeth, making the germs that are too long to be contagious fungus and eventually develop into cancer.
In addition to its lack of oral hygiene, oral cancer is also caused by smoking, mengasup unhealthy food (fast food) and the use of certain drugs in the long term.
Symptoms usually appear from oral cancer is the occurrence of wounds or sores on the gums in the long term, ie more than one week to a month. The wound was initially used as canker sores, long run will undermine the entire network in the mouth and teeth to the tongue, and consequently make the mouth and oral cavity become resistant and unable to feel anything. In fact, you will lose the sense of smell, not just the sense of taste.
Cancers of the mouth and teeth consist of various kinds, ranging from oral cancer, cancer of the tongue, and throat cancer. Oral cancer most often occurs on the lips and tongue. If you are frequently bitten tongue, it could be one of the earliest signs of cancer of the tongue.
Wary if the color or surface of the tongue changes, loss or decrease in taste soy sauce, or sores on the tongue that never heal, the possibility was also the beginning of tongue cancer.
If this happens, doctors will perform medical procedures such as biopsies to confirm whether you have been hit by mouth cancer. If the result is positive, then inevitably you must undergo a series of cancer treatments or surgical removal of cancer.
Brushing teeth
Because it is very important to maintain oral hygiene by brushing teeth regularly. It is best to brush teeth twice a day ie after meals and before bed.
However, even brushing teeth is not just a brush. If the process is not perfect tooth brush, tooth brushing routine only removes 25% germs in the mouth.
In addition to brushing, according to Tri, the tongue which is where germs bertumpuknya also must be cleaned thoroughly. Because the germs in this tongue can cause canker sores and other mouth disease.
Apart from the brushed my teeth, the selection of the right toothpaste was very influential with your dental health, coupled also with the use mouthwash to clean the mouth of the completed activities.
Many of the opinion that says that the use of mouthwash can cause infection and oral cancer. However, according to Tri, that's not entirely true, because based on clinical trials have some type of mouthwash is safe to eat every day.
Routine dental check six months to a doctor is very important, as efforts to prevent strike early before damage to your teeth.
Other mouth disorders often complain is thrush. In terms of dentistry, referred to as canker sores as aftosa recurrent stomatitis (SAR) in the form of lesions / lumps arising in the oral cavity.
Canker sores usually appear when someone is stressed, high fever, menstruation, and lack of vitamin C. Also beware of excessive sprue. Because one of the symptoms of oral cancer is the emergence of a hard ulcer healed in the long term.
To avoid this canker sores, how to do is to avoid stressful conditions; often eat fruits and vegetables, especially those containing vitamin B, vitamin C, and iron; maintain health or oral hygiene, and avoid foods and medicines that can be cause allergic reactions in the oral cavity./span>
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