Flower Pagoda

Flower Pagoda
From the name itself, we can already imagine how the form of interest. These plants are often found in the yard / gardens, the main street outside the city areas as an ornamental plant. Pagoda flower latin name Clerodendrum japonicum (Thumb). Sweet or known by Senggugu plants in Bali and Flower Pagoda in Europe is a deciduous shrub with plant height can reach 1-3 meters. Trunk full of fine hair. The flowers of this beautiful red color is compound interest is a collection of small flowers that gather into a pyramid shape where the number of the more pointed. Only a tiny minority evaluate the efficacy of this pagoda flowers, but from the roots, stems until the flowers have medicinal properties for certain diseases. Part roots for example, with chemical properties and pharmacological effects of bitter cold and efficacious as an anti inflammatory, peluruh urine (diuretic), eliminating the swelling (anti sweeling) and for blood clotting. Diseases such as back ache (Lumbago), pain in rheumatism, tuberculosis, accompanied by a cough or coughing up blood and hemorrhoids can be cured by the roots. Is the root of its usage as much as 30-90 grams of boiled or powdered drink. While for bleeding hemorrhoids can use roots or flowers as much as 60 ounces of cooked beef intestine in addition to the food dish.
Single-leaf-shaped pagoda like a heart that has chemical properties of sweet, sour, a little chocolate and neutral efficacious as anti-inflammation and blood sucking dirty (pus). For that, the leaves of this pagoda is very suitable for outside medicine such as ulcers, sore or wound shock. Use enough crush some fresh leaves are then inserted in place of the sick. Especially for ulceration or sores, fresh leaves pagoda washed, crushed and added a little honey and then inserted in place of the sick.
Interest Section efficacious for external or internal medicine. Pagoda flower itself has a property for an addition to blood, leucorrhoea, hemorrhoids and insomnia./span>
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