Lazy Lifestyle Modern Patterns Make Healthy Living

Lazy Lifestyle Modern Patterns Make Healthy Living
health lifestyle
Lately, modern lifestyle that almost instantaneous and practically makes some people lazy to run a healthy lifestyle. In fact, fast food nutrition is incomplete, and more fat.
A variety of restaurants with more fast-food menus are mushrooming. Although food prices are relatively high dibanderol, but did not dampen the interest of the buyer to enjoy it. Nutrient content in it was no longer considered good. According to some doctors are calling, the content of calories and cholesterol, and low in fiber are usually caused easily formed in the body fat. If not balanced with physical activity or sport, a variety of diseases can arise. Not to mention the threat of obesity. A diet like this can invite a degenerative disease or disease causing death in the world, such as cancer. Cancer is one disease caused by unhealthy lifestyles. From year to year, increasingly young age of cancer patients only. Cancer is usually synonymous with adult disease, are now attacking young people. Therefore, prevention efforts must begin to realize early on, namely through the selection of appropriate food intake in daily life. Keep unhealthy eating habits and switch to eat vegetables and fruit. Eating a variety of vegetables and fruits are healthier than fast food.
Data from the American Cancer Society (ACS) showed that external factors, including tobacco use, diet, infectious diseases, chemicals, and radiation contributes approximately 75 percent of cancer cases in the United States. While genetic factors or descent accounted for only 50-10 per cent to cause cancer. In between it all, tobacco use, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity is one factor that most increases the risk of cancer.
A study quoted by the Daily Mail. Tuesday (5 / 1). reported benefits of eating vegetables. Karo-tenoid pigment content in carrots, spinach, other green vegetables, tomatoes and oranges is a powerful antioxidant that absorbs harmful compounds produced when the body fight disease. Antioxidants are also very important for the immune system and reproductive system. It also helps prevent the body from cancer.
Professor David Perrett, as head of laboratory at the University of St Andrews, where the research goes explained, this study is very satisfactory and gives us good hope for the health sector. What we eat, not just about how much you eat, but also kind. Therefore, Tim PKK some areas always encouraged members to menghijauakan home environment. Besides utnuk consumed vegetable crops around the house is also useful for environmental sustainability./span>
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