Drinking hooked Sweet Fat When Making Child Adolescent

Drinking hooked Sweet Fat When Making Child Adolescent
Parents must be careful in giving a sweet drink intake when the child is still small. Because of what children consume at the age of five years will affect the child's body fat within the next 10 years.
A study shows parents are usually not paid much attention her daughter's weight problem by allowing these children to consume two or more times that sweet drinks each day as a child. "The high intake of sweet drinks, like soda, fruit flavor drinks and sports drinks at the age of five years, will be associated with body fat child within the next 10 years," said Dr. Laura Fiorito from Pennsylvania State University, as quoted from Reuters , Monday (11/09/2009).
Fiorito and colleagues note in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that high body fat during adolescence has been linked to various health problems such as being overweight (overweight) for long periods, diabetes or heart disease risk.
The team from Fiorito examined 160 children and young women aged 5 years. In this case the researchers measured weight, height and body fat exist. Body fat and body weight possessed these children depends on how many children are consuming sweet drinks each day.
After the factors that influence body weight by allowing levels of body fat, found children who consumed two or more sweet drinks each day have presentations higher body fat and tend to be overweight than girls who consumed less sweet drinks.
Children who at the age of five sweet drink less than one time per day was found excess weight around 16 to 19 percent within the next 10 years. Meanwhile, children who consume more than two times sweet drinks each day showed that overweight is larger, ie about 32 to 39 percent.
Therefore, Fiorito and colleagues suggest that parents pay attention to intake of beverages consumed by children, especially beverages with high sugar content. Keep children do not eat them too often so that children are not at risk of overweight.
Parents must be careful in giving a sweet drink intake when the child is still small. Because of what children consume at the age of five years will affect the child's body fat within the next 10 years.
A study shows parents are usually not paid much attention her daughter's weight problem by allowing these children to consume two or more times that sweet drinks each day as a child. "The high intake of sweet drinks, like soda, fruit flavor drinks and sports drinks at the age of five years, will be associated with body fat child within the next 10 years," said Dr. Laura Fiorito from Pennsylvania State University, as quoted from Reuters , Monday (11/09/2009).
Fiorito and colleagues note in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that high body fat during adolescence has been linked to various health problems such as being overweight (overweight) for long periods, diabetes or heart disease risk.
The team from Fiorito examined 160 children and young women aged 5 years. In this case the researchers measured weight, height and body fat exist. Body fat and body weight possessed these children depends on how many children are consuming sweet drinks each day.
After the factors that influence body weight by allowing levels of body fat, found children who consumed two or more sweet drinks each day have presentations higher body fat and tend to be overweight than girls who consumed less sweet drinks.
Children who at the age of five sweet drink less than one time per day was found excess weight around 16 to 19 percent within the next 10 years. Meanwhile, children who consume more than two times sweet drinks each day showed that overweight is larger, ie about 32 to 39 percent.
Therefore, Fiorito and colleagues suggest that parents pay attention to intake of beverages consumed by children, especially beverages with high sugar content. Keep children do not eat them too often so that children are not at risk of overweight.
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