Causes, Incidence, And Risk Factors

Causes, Incidence, And Risk Factors
However, some people have a narrower throat area. When the muscles in their upper throat relax during sleep, their airway may completely close. This prevents air from getting into the lungs. Loud snoring and labored breathing occur. During deep sleep, breathing can stop for a period of time (often more than 10 seconds). This is called apnea.
An apnea episode is followed by a sudden attempt to breathe, and a change to a lighter stage of sleep. The result is fragmented or interrupted sleep that is not restful. As a result, those with sleep apnea feel more drowsy or sleepy during the day, called excessive daytime drowsiness.
Older obese men seem to be at higher risk, although many people with obstructive sleep apnea are not obese. The following factors may also increase your risk for obstructive sleep apnea:
- Certain shapes of the palate and jaw
- Large tonsils and adenoids in children
- Large neck or collar size
- Large tongue
- Narrow airway
- Nasal obstruction
- Obesity
A person with obstructive sleep apnea usually snores heavily soon after falling asleep. The snoring continues at a regular pace for a period of time, often becoming louder. It is then interrupted by a long silent period during which there is no breathing. This is followed by a loud snort and gasp, and the snoring returns. This pattern repeats frequently throughout the night.
The main symptoms are usually associated with excessive daytime sleepiness:
- Abnormal daytime sleepiness, including falling asleep at inappropriate times
- Awakening unrefreshed in the morning
- Depression (possibly)
- Memory difficulties
- Morning headaches
- Personality changes
- Poor concentration
- Restless and fitful sleep
- Frequent waking up during the night to urinate
- Insomnia
- Hyperactive behavior, especially in children
- Leg swelling (if severe)
Signs And Tests
A sleep study (polysomnogram) is used to confirm obstructive sleep apnea.
Other tests that may be performed include:
- Arterial blood gases
- Electrocardiogram (ECG)
- Echocardiogram
- Thyroid function studies
The following lifestyle changes may relieve symptoms of sleep apnea in some individuals:
- Avoiding alcohol or sedatives at bedtime
- Avoiding sleeping on the back
- Losing weight
Some patients may need dental devices inserted into the mouth at night to keep the jaw forward.
Surgery may be an option in some cases. This may involve:
- Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) -- to remove excess tissue at the back of the throat
- More invasive surgeries -- to correct abnormal structures of the face in rare cases when patients have severe sleep apnea or treatment has not helped
- Tracheostomy -- to create an opening in the windpipe to bypass the blocked airway if there are anatomical problems (rarely done)
- Surgery on the nose and sinuses
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