Basil Leaf Properties

Basil Leaf Properties.
Frequently encountered basil
tradisoinal market or displayed on supermarket shelves that
sold in the bond-small approach. The price is practically a relatively cheap,
we usually buy it just for salad or as an aromatic seasoning
in cooking. Basil is a member of the family Lamiaceae, which means a group of plants
with lipped flowers. Basil is Ocimum genus name meaning
aromatic plants. The distinctive aroma comes from the leaves. Basil
closely related to plant sweet basil (ocimun sancium), mint leaves
(Mentha arvensis), and wake-up leaves aka cumin leaves (Coleus
amboinicus). Mint leaves in the Sunda known karesmen, commonly eaten
crude. The closest relatives with basil is a bacillus (ocimun
amboinicus). In Jakarta, fresh basil is only sold in the supermarkets are packed
small tube in the container. Basil is widely used as seasoning
to mix aromatic Italian cuisine, such as sauce or ketchup sphagetti
pizza. Basil plant is then lowered a variety of
varieties of basil.
Basil in Indonesia named botanical Ocimum basillicum. Because
menyemak growth, basil bush basil are grouped in groups
(Bush basil).
In Jakarta, basil commonly used in typical Betawi dish, such as
laksa or rice side dish. In West Java, basil alias used surawung
in a variety of delicious dishes such as the Sunda ulukutek Oncom leunca
(Saute leunca), pais side dish (fish Pepes), laksa bogor or Karedok.
While in the area of East Java, basil leaves, served with rice
krawu, botok, trancam (urap), tempeh or fish seasoning pencek pesmol
who felt less fit and less enjoyable without basil. In
Manado cuisine treasures - like the porridge tasty complete - stamped
basil as a complementary dish.
In India and parts of Africa, steeping "basil tea" is commonly
steeping tea leaves are replacing the original. The drugs are usually
presented at the turn of seasons, when people are easily attacked
coughs, colds, or fevers.
Unlike in Europe, where basil oil is distilled and taken
atsirinya. Basil essential oil is widely used as ingredients
manufacture of drugs or for the care of the body such as toilet soap, prickly
perfume, body lotion, ointment, candy lozenges, and also
aromatherapy oils.
According to "the list of food" Directorate Nutrition Department
Health, including vegetables rich basil provitamin A. Each 100 g
5000 SI basil leaves contained vitamin A. Another plus, basil
including many vegetables that contain the minerals calcium and phosphorus,
It is consist of 45 and 75 mg per 100 g of basil leaves.
NATION basil we have long recognized as a functional food
at the same time delicious nutritious medicine. Hereditary, basil
used to solve or go wind flatulence. If
babies and toddlers you suffer from bloating, or fever, just dab squeeze
red onion and basil with coconut oil on the abdomen, chest,
and backs (because babies can not eat).
When we face problems with body odor, bad breath,
or milk jam, can be overcome by getting used to eating fresh vegetable
fresh basil. Alternatively, drink juice of basil leaves that have been
beluntas leaves and mashed with turmeric leaves. In the book "A
Medical Dictionary of Practical Materials ", John Henry M. mention,
basil nutritious juice cure diarrhea, breast pain, stones
kidney, disorders of the vagina, and also can overcome albuminaria,
namely the concentration of albumin in the urine.
According to a team of researchers from the Center for New Crops and Plant Products,
Purdue University, USA, basil proven to heal
headaches, colds, diarrhea, constipation, worms, and kidney disorders.
They also suggested the efficacy of treatment using basil leaves,
which can cope with heartburn, flatulence, colds,
seizures, and lethargic body. In addition, the aroma of basil can reject
mosquito bites.
Since time immemorial, basil juice is distilled to obtain oil
atsirinya. John Henry classify as essential oil basil oil
high. That is, the smell of basil is lost after the 24 hours immediately applied to
body. For comparison, the essential oil is medium, will be lost
smell after three days lubricated, while the category of essential oil
low, the scent disappears after a week.
Basil essential oil can be used for aroma therapy massage for
basil essential oil can relieve and refresh your body. However,
Pregnant women are prohibited from using it because it was feared could
causes of miscarriage.
In addition, basil oil nutritious overcome indigestion
such as indigestion, vomiting, intestinal infections, gastric inflammation, as well as
gas in the intestines. Also, disorders of the head (such as ear pain, fever,
nasal tract pain, migraine), muscle disorders (spasms or cramps),
and neurological disorders (anxiety, depression, hysteria, weak nerves, insomia).
For men, there are also benefits basil. Compounds 1-8 in basil sineol
can overcome the problem of premature ejaculation. Fenkhona and apigenin
his eugenol may facilitate the occurrence of an erection. While the substance arginine
contained in the basil can strengthen the vitality of the sperm and
prevent infertility.
As for women, basil, including a very healthy food
useful. Basil and boron-rich compound that stimulates anetol hormone
estrogen, whereas the compound can kill the fungus causing eugenolnya
whitish. Stigmaasterol substances in basil stimulates cell maturation
egg (ovulation), tannin, and zinc reduces the secretion of vaginal fluids.
Substances could delay monopause tryptophan. Basil is not a vegetable
usual, so do not underestimate the basil. (Sisca Dharmayanti)
People's minds Cyber Media
Basil (Sunda: surawung) is no stranger to us, we often encounter
tradisoinal market or displayed on supermarket shelves that
sold in the bond-small approach. The price is practically a relatively cheap,
we usually buy it just for salad or as an aromatic seasoning
in cooking. Basil is a member of the family Lamiaceae, which means a group of plants
with lipped flowers. Basil is Ocimum genus name meaning
aromatic plants. The distinctive aroma comes from the leaves. Basil
closely related to plant sweet basil (ocimun sancium), mint leaves
(Mentha arvensis), and wake-up leaves aka cumin leaves (Coleus
amboinicus). Mint leaves in the Sunda known karesmen, commonly eaten
crude. The closest relatives with basil is a bacillus (ocimun
In Jakarta, fresh basil is only sold in the supermarkets are packed
small tube in the container. Basil is widely used as seasoning
to mix aromatic Italian cuisine, such as sauce or ketchup sphagetti
pizza. Basil plant is then lowered a variety of
varieties of basil.
Basil in Indonesia named botanical Ocimum basillicum. Because
menyemak growth, basil bush basil are grouped in groups
(Bush basil).
In Jakarta, basil commonly used in typical Betawi dish, such as
laksa or rice side dish. In West Java, basil alias used surawung
in a variety of delicious dishes such as the Sunda ulukutek Oncom leunca
(Saute leunca), pais side dish (fish Pepes), laksa bogor or Karedok.
While in the area of East Java, basil leaves, served with rice
krawu, botok, trancam (urap), tempeh or fish seasoning pencek pesmol
who felt less fit and less enjoyable without basil. In
Manado cuisine treasures - like the porridge tasty complete - stamped
basil as a complementary dish.
In India and parts of Africa, steeping "basil tea" is commonly
steeping tea leaves are replacing the original. The drugs are usually
presented at the turn of seasons, when people are easily attacked
coughs, colds, or fevers.
Unlike in Europe, where basil oil is distilled and taken
atsirinya. Basil essential oil is widely used as ingredients
manufacture of drugs or for the care of the body such as toilet soap, prickly
perfume, body lotion, ointment, candy lozenges, and also
aromatherapy oils.
According to "the list of food" Directorate Nutrition Department
Health, including vegetables rich basil provitamin A. Each 100 g
5000 SI basil leaves contained vitamin A. Another plus, basil
including many vegetables that contain the minerals calcium and phosphorus,
It is consist of 45 and 75 mg per 100 g of basil leaves.
NATION basil we have long recognized as a functional food
at the same time delicious nutritious medicine. Hereditary, basil
used to solve or go wind flatulence. If
babies and toddlers you suffer from bloating, or fever, just dab squeeze
red onion and basil with coconut oil on the abdomen, chest,
and backs (because babies can not eat).
When we face problems with body odor, bad breath,
or milk jam, can be overcome by getting used to eating fresh vegetable
fresh basil. Alternatively, drink juice of basil leaves that have been
beluntas leaves and mashed with turmeric leaves. In the book "A
Medical Dictionary of Practical Materials ", John Henry M. mention,
basil nutritious juice cure diarrhea, breast pain, stones
kidney, disorders of the vagina, and also can overcome albuminaria,
namely the concentration of albumin in the urine.
According to a team of researchers from the Center for New Crops and Plant Products,
Purdue University, USA, basil proven to heal
headaches, colds, diarrhea, constipation, worms, and kidney disorders.
They also suggested the efficacy of treatment using basil leaves,
which can cope with heartburn, flatulence, colds,
seizures, and lethargic body. In addition, the aroma of basil can reject
mosquito bites.
Since time immemorial, basil juice is distilled to obtain oil
atsirinya. John Henry classify as essential oil basil oil
high. That is, the smell of basil is lost after the 24 hours immediately applied to
body. For comparison, the essential oil is medium, will be lost
smell after three days lubricated, while the category of essential oil
low, the scent disappears after a week.
Basil essential oil can be used for aroma therapy massage for
basil essential oil can relieve and refresh your body. However,
Pregnant women are prohibited from using it because it was feared could
causes of miscarriage.
In addition, basil oil nutritious overcome indigestion
such as indigestion, vomiting, intestinal infections, gastric inflammation, as well as
gas in the intestines. Also, disorders of the head (such as ear pain, fever,
nasal tract pain, migraine), muscle disorders (spasms or cramps),
and neurological disorders (anxiety, depression, hysteria, weak nerves, insomia).
For men, there are also benefits basil. Compounds 1-8 in basil sineol
can overcome the problem of premature ejaculation. Fenkhona and apigenin
his eugenol may facilitate the occurrence of an erection. While the substance arginine
contained in the basil can strengthen the vitality of the sperm and
prevent infertility.
As for women, basil, including a very healthy food
useful. Basil and boron-rich compound that stimulates anetol hormone
estrogen, whereas the compound can kill the fungus causing eugenolnya
whitish. Stigmaasterol substances in basil stimulates cell maturation
egg (ovulation), tannin, and zinc reduces the secretion of vaginal fluids.
Substances could delay monopause tryptophan. Basil is not a vegetable
usual, so do not underestimate the basil.
small tube in the container. Basil is widely used as seasoning
to mix aromatic Italian cuisine, such as sauce or ketchup sphagetti
pizza. Basil plant is then lowered a variety of
varieties of basil.
Basil in Indonesia named botanical Ocimum basillicum. Because
menyemak growth, basil bush basil are grouped in groups
(Bush basil).
In Jakarta, basil commonly used in typical Betawi dish, such as
laksa or rice side dish. In West Java, basil alias used surawung
in a variety of delicious dishes such as the Sunda ulukutek Oncom leunca
(Saute leunca), pais side dish (fish Pepes), laksa bogor or Karedok.
While in the area of East Java, basil leaves, served with rice
krawu, botok, trancam (urap), tempeh or fish seasoning pencek pesmol
who felt less fit and less enjoyable without basil. In
Manado cuisine treasures - like the porridge tasty complete - stamped
basil as a complementary dish.
In India and parts of Africa, steeping "basil tea" is commonly
steeping tea leaves are replacing the original. The drugs are usually
presented at the turn of seasons, when people are easily attacked
coughs, colds, or fevers.
Unlike in Europe, where basil oil is distilled and taken
atsirinya. Basil essential oil is widely used as ingredients
manufacture of drugs or for the care of the body such as toilet soap, prickly
perfume, body lotion, ointment, candy lozenges, and also
aromatherapy oils.
According to "the list of food" Directorate Nutrition Department
Health, including vegetables rich basil provitamin A. Each 100 g
5000 SI basil leaves contained vitamin A. Another plus, basil
including many vegetables that contain the minerals calcium and phosphorus,
It is consist of 45 and 75 mg per 100 g of basil leaves.
NATION basil we have long recognized as a functional food
at the same time delicious nutritious medicine. Hereditary, basil
used to solve or go wind flatulence. If
babies and toddlers you suffer from bloating, or fever, just dab squeeze
red onion and basil with coconut oil on the abdomen, chest,
and backs (because babies can not eat).
When we face problems with body odor, bad breath,
or milk jam, can be overcome by getting used to eating fresh vegetable
fresh basil. Alternatively, drink juice of basil leaves that have been
beluntas leaves and mashed with turmeric leaves. In the book "A
Medical Dictionary of Practical Materials ", John Henry M. mention,
basil nutritious juice cure diarrhea, breast pain, stones
kidney, disorders of the vagina, and also can overcome albuminaria,
namely the concentration of albumin in the urine.
According to a team of researchers from the Center for New Crops and Plant Products,
Purdue University, USA, basil proven to heal
headaches, colds, diarrhea, constipation, worms, and kidney disorders.
They also suggested the efficacy of treatment using basil leaves,
which can cope with heartburn, flatulence, colds,
seizures, and lethargic body. In addition, the aroma of basil can reject
mosquito bites.
Since time immemorial, basil juice is distilled to obtain oil
atsirinya. John Henry classify as essential oil basil oil
high. That is, the smell of basil is lost after the 24 hours immediately applied to
body. For comparison, the essential oil is medium, will be lost
smell after three days lubricated, while the category of essential oil
low, the scent disappears after a week.
Basil essential oil can be used for aroma therapy massage for
basil essential oil can relieve and refresh your body. However,
Pregnant women are prohibited from using it because it was feared could
causes of miscarriage.
In addition, basil oil nutritious overcome indigestion
such as indigestion, vomiting, intestinal infections, gastric inflammation, as well as
gas in the intestines. Also, disorders of the head (such as ear pain, fever,
nasal tract pain, migraine), muscle disorders (spasms or cramps),
and neurological disorders (anxiety, depression, hysteria, weak nerves, insomia).
For men, there are also benefits basil. Compounds 1-8 in basil sineol
can overcome the problem of premature ejaculation. Fenkhona and apigenin
his eugenol may facilitate the occurrence of an erection. While the substance arginine
contained in the basil can strengthen the vitality of the sperm and
prevent infertility.
As for women, basil, including a very healthy food
useful. Basil and boron-rich compound that stimulates anetol hormone
estrogen, whereas the compound can kill the fungus causing eugenolnya
whitish. Stigmaasterol substances in basil stimulates cell maturation
egg (ovulation), tannin, and zinc reduces the secretion of vaginal fluids.
Substances could delay monopause tryptophan. Basil is not a vegetable
usual, so do not underestimate the basil. (Sisca Dharmayanti)
People's minds Cyber Media
Basil (Sunda: surawung) is no stranger to us, we often encounter
tradisoinal market or displayed on supermarket shelves that
sold in the bond-small approach. The price is practically a relatively cheap,
we usually buy it just for salad or as an aromatic seasoning
in cooking. Basil is a member of the family Lamiaceae, which means a group of plants
with lipped flowers. Basil is Ocimum genus name meaning
aromatic plants. The distinctive aroma comes from the leaves. Basil
closely related to plant sweet basil (ocimun sancium), mint leaves
(Mentha arvensis), and wake-up leaves aka cumin leaves (Coleus
amboinicus). Mint leaves in the Sunda known karesmen, commonly eaten
crude. The closest relatives with basil is a bacillus (ocimun
In Jakarta, fresh basil is only sold in the supermarkets are packed
small tube in the container. Basil is widely used as seasoning
to mix aromatic Italian cuisine, such as sauce or ketchup sphagetti
pizza. Basil plant is then lowered a variety of
varieties of basil.
Basil in Indonesia named botanical Ocimum basillicum. Because
menyemak growth, basil bush basil are grouped in groups
(Bush basil).
In Jakarta, basil commonly used in typical Betawi dish, such as
laksa or rice side dish. In West Java, basil alias used surawung
in a variety of delicious dishes such as the Sunda ulukutek Oncom leunca
(Saute leunca), pais side dish (fish Pepes), laksa bogor or Karedok.
While in the area of East Java, basil leaves, served with rice
krawu, botok, trancam (urap), tempeh or fish seasoning pencek pesmol
who felt less fit and less enjoyable without basil. In
Manado cuisine treasures - like the porridge tasty complete - stamped
basil as a complementary dish.
In India and parts of Africa, steeping "basil tea" is commonly
steeping tea leaves are replacing the original. The drugs are usually
presented at the turn of seasons, when people are easily attacked
coughs, colds, or fevers.
Unlike in Europe, where basil oil is distilled and taken
atsirinya. Basil essential oil is widely used as ingredients
manufacture of drugs or for the care of the body such as toilet soap, prickly
perfume, body lotion, ointment, candy lozenges, and also
aromatherapy oils.
According to "the list of food" Directorate Nutrition Department
Health, including vegetables rich basil provitamin A. Each 100 g
5000 SI basil leaves contained vitamin A. Another plus, basil
including many vegetables that contain the minerals calcium and phosphorus,
It is consist of 45 and 75 mg per 100 g of basil leaves.
NATION basil we have long recognized as a functional food
at the same time delicious nutritious medicine. Hereditary, basil
used to solve or go wind flatulence. If
babies and toddlers you suffer from bloating, or fever, just dab squeeze
red onion and basil with coconut oil on the abdomen, chest,
and backs (because babies can not eat).
When we face problems with body odor, bad breath,
or milk jam, can be overcome by getting used to eating fresh vegetable
fresh basil. Alternatively, drink juice of basil leaves that have been
beluntas leaves and mashed with turmeric leaves. In the book "A
Medical Dictionary of Practical Materials ", John Henry M. mention,
basil nutritious juice cure diarrhea, breast pain, stones
kidney, disorders of the vagina, and also can overcome albuminaria,
namely the concentration of albumin in the urine.
According to a team of researchers from the Center for New Crops and Plant Products,
Purdue University, USA, basil proven to heal
headaches, colds, diarrhea, constipation, worms, and kidney disorders.
They also suggested the efficacy of treatment using basil leaves,
which can cope with heartburn, flatulence, colds,
seizures, and lethargic body. In addition, the aroma of basil can reject
mosquito bites.
Since time immemorial, basil juice is distilled to obtain oil
atsirinya. John Henry classify as essential oil basil oil
high. That is, the smell of basil is lost after the 24 hours immediately applied to
body. For comparison, the essential oil is medium, will be lost
smell after three days lubricated, while the category of essential oil
low, the scent disappears after a week.
Basil essential oil can be used for aroma therapy massage for
basil essential oil can relieve and refresh your body. However,
Pregnant women are prohibited from using it because it was feared could
causes of miscarriage.
In addition, basil oil nutritious overcome indigestion
such as indigestion, vomiting, intestinal infections, gastric inflammation, as well as
gas in the intestines. Also, disorders of the head (such as ear pain, fever,
nasal tract pain, migraine), muscle disorders (spasms or cramps),
and neurological disorders (anxiety, depression, hysteria, weak nerves, insomia).
For men, there are also benefits basil. Compounds 1-8 in basil sineol
can overcome the problem of premature ejaculation. Fenkhona and apigenin
his eugenol may facilitate the occurrence of an erection. While the substance arginine
contained in the basil can strengthen the vitality of the sperm and
prevent infertility.
As for women, basil, including a very healthy food
useful. Basil and boron-rich compound that stimulates anetol hormone
estrogen, whereas the compound can kill the fungus causing eugenolnya
whitish. Stigmaasterol substances in basil stimulates cell maturation
egg (ovulation), tannin, and zinc reduces the secretion of vaginal fluids.
Substances could delay monopause tryptophan. Basil is not a vegetable
usual, so do not underestimate the basil.
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